Journal Entries

Great Scott!

I've written an entry whilst being completely unawares of it!
Everyone should check out "How to Dump Someone" A1001863
'Cos they are way cool and acknowledged someone as an author who hasn't even been around for the past 4 months! I dig it!
smiley - cheers

P.S. School's Out, so I'm back! I know you all... are rolling your eyes, but hey, whatever. smiley - biggrin --PTG

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Latest reply: May 31, 2003


Well, update on me: (because I know you are all ever so interested)
. In one show now, instead of two (YAY!!)
. Mad crush, possibly ready to (finally) get into another relationship -- it's been nine months.
. exhausted and slightly unstable, but doing work and school as well as theatre
. pretty happy, been spending a lot of time with my chosen family of friends...
. missing y'all lots and lots!
. hating this war (although i don't think we should take it out on troops)

*smiley - smooches and smiley - hugs*
Cassie (the artiste formerly known as Pete)

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Latest reply: Mar 25, 2003

Still Somewhat Clean

Haven't done anything of the illegal variety in over 6 weeks, so that's good.

Been doing theatre, mad insane amounts of it.
Sleeping a lot.

V. in love with Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy/Mark Darcy at the moment. *sigh*


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Latest reply: Feb 11, 2003


following my trend of entry titles that start with 'c', i'll go with 'clean'.
my new trend is 'drug free's the way to be!'
smiley - laugh which is so not the way i was a month ago.. so eh.
hopefully this will work and i'll be happier...
but i'm already happier 'cos at least i know what's going on around me.
smiley - love

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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2003


Just wanted to say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, etc, to everyone.. I will come back shortly, just been doing finals and Christmas trip... smiley - hugs and smiley - love!

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Latest reply: Dec 27, 2002

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Pete *not quite dead yet*

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