
ya know, we alwayse take the tree's forgranted. i meen really look at them, not only do they offer us shade on a hot summers day. they also have really pretty flowers for us to smell and look at. not to mention the benifits of climbing tree's and where would tree house's be without the trees? also cant forget about the scrapes and bruises that we all got from tree's. and the ecological benifits of tree's! without them we wouldnt have enough oxygen to live! we would die with out tree's! and the products you make from tree's, anything wooden, and paper. also the medicinal benifits of tree bark and flower. without tree's there would be no chocolote as well, can you imagine a world without chocolote? tree's are just a great thing and we all take them for granted... just like the monkey's now, dont you go getting me started on the monkey's....

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[no subject] Jun 6, 2002


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psycho crazy thing who guards the gatehouse of heck

Researcher U195753


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