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Post 1

psycho crazy thing who guards the gatehouse of heck

there are alwayse people who leave right when you are getting close. most of my friends i have graduated this last week while im still in school. some my best friends *ehem rosiel, Jt, JC, and of course The devil herself* have left me here. Jt, well i wont see him for 3 month's and also rosiel leaves in 2 weeks, i wont see her beautiful face until next year! i have *in the past few months* spent more time with these people than i have my own family, rosiel's place is like my second home, and what would starbucks be without jt and chris there in the mornings? i cant forget the running around with satan and JC after school, or jazz events with Jt and JC, those are times i cant forget! i meen really, these people are my life, and most of them *poor chris and i have to stay here another year or 2* i wont see except for few times and far between. its sad, who will i hang out with at denny's at 2 in the morning, who am i going to go on 3am coffee runs with and most important, how can i live without my other half just 9 houses away? soon she'll be 3 thousand miles away, Jt will be a few hundred miles away, and well, even though JC and satan arent going too far *only an hour and 5 min's respectively* i wont see them everyday like i do now! *sigh* well sad times and happy times, as they say, only time will tell. but for now it sure bums me out. oh and guys *group hug* ill miss ya

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