Portland Oregon and surrounding area

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Portland itself:
well, theres the Lloyd center mall (1510 NE Multnomah Blvd) thats 3 levals of shopping, plus a 18-theater movie house and also an ice skating rink. my personal favorite shops there are Hot Topics, Rave, and mariaposa. of course there is a suncoast movie shop their, that is do die for. a great mall if you're in the northeast portland area.

there is also the Clackamas Town Center (I-205 and sunnyside rd) which has a great sci-fi store that if you need a cardboard cutout, its your store (the other side). again this mall has your hot topics, rave and suncoast. alibit a smaller mall, its a lot less noisy (as malls go) and if you're not in the northeast portland area this is your best bet for a mall.

Washington Square(9585 Southwest Washington Square Rd)- this mall is small. hands down one of the smallest in the clackamas area, there isnt much in this mall to say except a b dalton and a suncoast, if you are in beaverton and need a mall this is your mall, it this or the even smaller beaverton mall which is kind of grungey but their is a haircutting place their that does a great job on your hear (ehem
ask for kim)

Tanasbourne Village Mall(3630 SE Concord Rd)- as to i never go here its just by hearsay on this one, but i hear its a pretty good mall, a bit bigger than washington square.

mall 205 (10100 SE Washington Street )- large stores such as Montgomery Ward, the Emporium, and Rite Aid and my personal favorite (the people scare me but hey what can i say) the dollar tree!

Pioneer Place ( 888 SW 5th Ave )- this mall is just cool. it has a lower level food court with a fountin, its 2 different buildings connected by skywalks and an underground thing. todai is a great place for your sushi as its a sushi bar. the place is just cool, flat out. that and the people are really tolerant

other shopping-
if you are going for cheaper stuff, i would reccomend the saturday market (under the burnside bridge) its on both saturday and sunday might i add. either that or the beaverton saturday market (for fresh food, on hall bvd, the one way section) for cool, eccentric shopping and also to people watch go for the 23rd ave. area, shops like the 3 monkeys are great for clothes and other random stuff. best 2 places to people watch on 23rd are outside of the ram pub and at the starbucks (portland and its coffee, if you want coffee here there is probably a shop within 2 blocks of you). if you are over by taylors ferry their is a sports bar their with 1.50 beers and 50 cent taco mondays thats great. also the coffee shop across the street *not the starbucks* has a great minty mocha *the tall is 3.00$* if you want rejuvination stuff, over on grant there is a rejuvination place that is great.

portland and its coffee, well there of course is your small coffee drive throughs all over in parking lots (the one in the parking lot for the end of the oregon trail has GREAT hot cocoa) and there is your small cafe's all over in little shops, these are the best for cheap coffee and many are very good. but if you are like me and love the taste of coffee you will go anywhere. there are 3 large coffee chains in town (that i can think of right now) starbucks, seattle's best and coffee people. the only place i drink coffee people is in the airport personally, but thats just me. i dont really like their coffee. seattle's best is above coffee people for me but i still am a starbucks person (im a regular at the starbucks in the lake oswego square) with starbucks they usually close pretty early, other than the 24 hour's they close before about 900 unless youre in downtown, then they close at about 11. the 24 hour starbucks in the beaverton/Lake Oswego area is 11405 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Beaverton. great place, usually lots of freindly people their at 2 in the morning and quite a few are from Lake oswego.

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