This is the Message Centre for Existential Elevator


Post 161

Existential Elevator

Two is almost a series smiley - erm Well, maybe not quite.

Have you ever read "last chance to see"?


Post 162


No, I haven't. I've been keeping my eye out for it, but it's not a book that pops up all that regularly...

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 163

Existential Elevator

I did have to search around somewhat for it, but believe me, it is far more than well worth the searching. It's.. frankly quite beautiful. And funny. Quite an amazing read, and a good oppotunity to know Mr Adams as a parson, rather than a "42".


Post 164


I shall keep my eye even more eadgerly peeled from now on. Failing that, I look forward to the day I can borrow it off you smiley - smiley

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 165

Existential Elevator

I would point out your "eadgerly", but I've got a "parson" to my name smiley - winkeye

You'd be more than welcome to borrow it ont he assumption that you'd look after it and feed it twice a day smiley - winkeye


Post 166


Ah, you knew what I meant... as I know what you meant. smiley - tongueout.

Of course I would! I know how to look after books when they're in my care. I certainly wouldn't rip the cover off, like Steve did with my copy of the 'Guide, although he did do it by taking it on a hiking and camping weekend in the lake district. It looks more travelled now, which is rather apt for such a book.

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 167

Existential Elevator

I know, I know... smiley - smiley

smiley - laugh So your Hitchhiker's book actually went hiking? smiley - ok
That's a claim to fame, surely?


Post 168


We all know.

Lol, not /my/ fame, unfortunately...

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 169

Existential Elevator

My table doesn't smiley - silly

smiley - laugh Oh, you don't want the fame. Become your book's manager and earn all the money for yourself smiley - evilgrin


Post 170


Lol, that sounded like a Pheloxi response...

Good idea *rubs hands menacingly*

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 171

Existential Elevator

That was just some fringe madness... I can't help it, sometimes it just happens smiley - winkeye

Bwahahahahahaha! smiley - zoom I wonder if you can be sued for book exploitation?


Post 172


As long as it's more or less under control...

Only if it's a really convincing book that's doing the sueing.

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 173

Existential Elevator

Okay, I'll try. One more "wop" and I'll be done.


I feel much better now, honestly.

Hmm...I wonder what makes a really convincing book smiley - huh


Post 174


Lol, you're more obsessed than me...

Actually, only reason I'm not doing it is because I'd never be truly satisfied until I had 99,999 companions all doing it at the same time as me.

I'm not sure...

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 175

Existential Elevator

You say that like it's a bad thing smiley - winkeye

Well, 2 is a start...

smiley - laugh We'll have to ask one and find out.


Post 176


No, just severely improbable.

99,998 wops in the air, 99,998 wops in the air, take one down, pass it around, 99,997 wops in the air...

O.k. Let me know if you find one.

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 177

Existential Elevator

You're right. I am obsessed. I managed to fit "the bugblatter beast of Traal" into a sentence perfeectly naturally and only realised afterwards that I'd done it. I despair. Wop wop. My RS notes are covered in "wop"s. smiley - weird

*sings along*

*goes on the hunt*


Post 178


You ARE almost as bad as me. You ought to see a doctor.

*stops singing because you are most likely more adept at producing sweeter tones than I*

*grabs book net*

TK[1]smiley - pirate


Post 179

Existential Elevator

smiley - laugh I seem to have contained my condition... untill the next episode. Or sheer boredom. Whatever works.
In fact, current madness bouts have involved a friend and I making up the rules for "extreme kurplunk" smiley - erm You need a tree, a chainsaw and 12 willing participants smiley - evilgrin

*stops singing too as she is most definitely lacking in that ability*

*is imagining chasing books with butterfly nets smiley - erm* smiley - bluebutterfly


Post 180


The next episode is the last* one!
Sounds good to me, but what takes the place of the marbles?

Nah, I bet you sing like a particularly gifted angel. With lungs that big, you've gotta have a good voice smiley - winkeye

Bloody heavy butterflies...

TK[1]smiley - pirate

*That should probably read 'final', but I didn't get where I am today by being clear and concise.

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