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ID | Title | Created |
A87852405 | Carnegie Libraries | Oct 3, 2015 |
A87767536 | Favourite Children's Authors | Sep 13, 2012 |
A87738006 | Applying for an International Adoption | Jan 23, 2012 |
A87734532 | What are the options for the UK outside of the EU? | Jan 9, 2012 |
A87728719 | Mysteries of the Brussels Ring Road | Dec 12, 2011 |
A87709684 | Seven Deadly Sins of Electronic Toy Design | Oct 22, 2011 |
A83468073 | Influencing the European Union | Jun 16, 2011 |
A69442509 | Vending Machine Roulette | Aug 16, 2010 |
A61055129 | Working in a Theme Park | Jan 11, 2010 |
A58966005 | Birthdays | Dec 24, 2009 |
A58370475 | Benefits of Having Children - An A to Z | Dec 7, 2009 |
A55236369 | Getting Enough Sleep as a Parent | Aug 4, 2009 |
A52007681 | Injuries From Casual Football | Jun 1, 2009 |
A16644882 | University of Liverpool | Dec 8, 2006 |
A9914141 | Getting Around In Southern Africa | May 4, 2006 |
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."