Middle Earth Society

the purpose of this site is just an online version of a group I have started. the idea is if you are interested in middle earth type things, you can talk to others or get together with people with the same interests. If you wish to join the group in Cranbrook, BC, please contact one of us at either: [email protected] or [email protected]
Here is the outline:

MES (Middle Earth Society)

-for anyone who wants to join
-those who are interested only have to show up and wear appropriate clothes
-also talk in an appropriate way
-as in, politely
-in an old sort of way
-meeting will be outside for the most part, unless the weather sucks
-hopefuly away from civilization, which isn’t that hard in Cranbrook
-members can pick a race and/or persona to adopt, such as elf, dwarf,(properly called dwarrow) (I think) or others
-dark personas are allowed but not encouraged much (orcs, werewolves, Dark Lords, etc.)
-weapons such as swords, daggers, bows/arrows/quivers, etc. are permitted to be carried but don’t hurt anyone
-called MES because the social structure and philosophies of that world embody what my philosophies are for the most part
-you should have similar interests if you wish to join, but it is not limited to those up on Tolkien/LOTR lore/philosophy
-we will hopefully have outings like hikes, quests, walks, and the like

great stuff section:
Two members of MES have decided to be semi-evil. They want to take over the world. That's fine, but here's the catch: they procrastinate so much they never get around to it. The conversation goes like this. "Let's take over now." "Nah. We can do it in a bit."

we'll our semi-evil duo is now an uno one of them has left us... we are now an "un-cool" thing to do. ah well who needs people like that anyways

We don't always remember this page so theres most likely more up to date info in our MES guild on neopets other than that i don't think anything is going to be updated on a regular bases


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
we're too lazy Aug 23, 2002 No Replies
stuff and things Jul 13, 2002 No Replies
Nite Trek May 2, 2002 May 2, 2002
corection May 2, 2002 No Replies
JOB!!! May 2, 2002 No Replies


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