This is the Message Centre for peachpit

Nite Trek

Post 1

Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond

Hi Rhia,
I was wondering if you're going to nite trek this weekend.

And I'd like to join your society. I probably won't be able to do much with you, but I might sometime. I'll email you later.

smiley - cheerssmiley - hug

Nite Trek

Post 2


Hi Henry
I don't think I'll make it to nite trek but I might stop in to say hi, I hope anyway. Do you know where it is as that will help me in my stopping in.
I'm glad you want to join. There aren't any forms or anything so i'll just put you on the list in my head.

Nite Trek

Post 3

Vidmaster - A Pebble in the Pond

I'm pretty sure that it's at sparwood. We won't be getting there until early Saturday afternoon, as I'm playing at a music festival in Helena on Friday.

Something you could do is make a membership list on your page here. You'd have to convert to GuideML, but that's not too hard. I can help out with anything like that, if you're interested.

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