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well, there seems to be a rash of cloak making! Several people have made them so far. I would estimate about, oh, four. But more want to! This is good except for the fact that everyone is working out of my basement untill 12 at night. oh well. the cloaks are very easy to make. We are using Simplicity pattern number 9887. First, you sew the yokes to the front and back pieces. Make sure to keep right sides(sides you want to be seen) together for all seams. Then sew the centre back seam and then sew the front to the back at side seams. Be careful to line up yoke seams. Now the hood. It's a bit tricky, so follow me closely. You sew the back seam so that you have something vaguely hood shaped. on the bottem, sew TWO lines of straight stitch on a big stitch length. It may not make sense now, but it will. BE CAREFUL not to backstitch on these seams and leave the ends of the thread on both ends long, about 5-10cm. As I said, it WILL make sense. Pin the centre of the two seams to the centre of the neck of the cloak. Then pin the corners together. Hold on to one of the end pins and pull on just the two top threads. The fabric should gather up a bit. Pull that along and keep going untill the hood fits onto the neck. The neck should be smaller than the hood, but not too much smaller. After that, all that is left is the hem and to finish the edges which doesn't take too too long. Of course, if you alredy have the pattern, you don't need these instructions.
We got our fabric for the most part at Wal-mart. very good prices but less selection. you want a fabric that drapes, and probably not too thin. I went for a nice strechy grey fabric that keeps the wind and rain out fairly well. It is also warmer then you would think. In total I think I spent about 11 dollars(canadian) on the whole thing.I am very happy with it except we got some funny looks at school!


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