This is the Message Centre for Serephina

The plus side of being single?

Post 181


smiley - yikes all of them?

What about itchy and scratchy?

The plus side of being single?

Post 182


could do....smiley - laugh

how you doing?

The plus side of being single?

Post 183


Can't think of any plus sides to been single, nope none whatsoever

'pinch' smiley - biggrinsmiley - tongueout

The plus side of being single?

Post 184



Hello! smiley - biggrin

The plus side of being single?

Post 185


Hiya Chick, how is everything with you? from the looks of it everything is going great smiley - smiley glad it is anyway hunni. Sorry i made you jump smiley - winkeye

The plus side of being single?

Post 186


People grabbing my arse unexpectedly tends to do that smiley - laugh

yeah everythings cool at the mo... what you been up to for so long? I got a visit (on here) from that creachy thing a couple of weeks ago threatening to be back soon smiley - yikes
smiley - winkeye

The plus side of being single?

Post 187


yeah well i knew grabbing your arse would get your attention smiley - winkeye

What have i been upto? Well erm i've been upto this and that got a college interview tommorrow gonna be a teaching assistant. Lucky me smiley - biggrin and i've been with the fella alot, been a whole year we been together now and it's great.

Yeah saw that the creachy thing was about, left him a post up, gonna change me name back soon, i think i can safetly say im ok on here now smiley - laugh

Glad things are going great for you smiley - kiss

The plus side of being single?

Post 188


Teaching assistant? smiley - yikes braver than me!

whos this fella then? cant remember if you told me about him before...

The plus side of being single?

Post 189


yeah alot people say im brave but i enjoyed it when i was in Cal's classroom helping out, was great smiley - biggrin

Oh thought i'd told you about him, well he's just great, got a long weekend starting tomorrow smiley - winkeye He's older than me but we get on great and can say he had me from hello smiley - smiley

The plus side of being single?

Post 190


You know what my memorys like n ive not heard from you in months smiley - tongueout i forget everything, especiallly as ive been busy with my toyboy smiley - nahnah

The plus side of being single?

Post 191


Yeah i aint been here for awhile, and your memory is like crap smiley - nahnah tee hee.

Oh no im happy with the older man, had enough of the young ones, do my head in. smiley - laugh

Right gotta go hunni bunni but will be back soon. I'll pop in when i can. Take care smiley - hugsmiley - cuddle

The plus side of being single?

Post 192


My brother says im a complee hussy for this one smiley - laugh

See you later Zoe x

The plus side of being single?

Post 193



Several million posts ago, Galaxy Babe asked who cleans my blocked drains. A bottle of Mr Muscle usually!smiley - laugh

I've only been single for six months, but my outside light hasn't worked for two years. Not all blokes fix stuff.


The plus side of being single?

Post 194


Kim n Aggie recomend a mix of borax,salt and vinegar for blocked drains..smiley - diva

The plus side of being single?

Post 195

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm married and often have to wait for a very long time if things need to be fixed, sometimes, I eventually fix them myself smiley - ok

The plus side of being single?

Post 196


I learned to fix a lot of stuff when I was married, and that was out of necessity.

I've got a tap that I have to use both hands to turn off, so I should probably learn how to fix thatsmiley - erm

That's a find tip about clearing blocked drains. I should probably write that down.

The plus side of being single?

Post 197

aka Bel - A87832164

My husband often insists that I shall fix things myself, which I hate doing, but one day, it'll turn out to be handy, I'm sure smiley - ok

The plus side of being single?

Post 198

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

B'Elana, do you make him cook?

this queation sound realy pre-woman's lib. sorry!

The plus side of being single?

Post 199

aka Bel - A87832164

I seldom manage smiley - erm

The plus side of being single?

Post 200

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

use "fair trade deal" as excuse!

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