This is the Message Centre for Serephina

The plus side of being single?

Post 101

aka Bel - A87832164

But she can't see them smiley - tongueout

The plus side of being single?

Post 102


I my minds eye smiley - winkeye

The plus side of being single?

Post 103

aka Bel - A87832164

Okay then.smiley - smiley I couldn't to save my life smiley - erm

The plus side of being single?

Post 104


you not like cakies B'el?

Im more of a savoury person myself (crisps are my biggest vice...and hot sauage rolls)but i have the odd hankering for something cakelike...

The plus side of being single?

Post 105

aka Bel - A87832164

I've never allowed myself to eat cakes or sweet because of my poor teeth smiley - sadface Nachos, or tacos or whatever you call them are my vice now smiley - drool

The plus side of being single?

Post 106


Wish i could cure my crisp addiction, its alomst solely responsible for my post tummy op porkiness smiley - puff

The plus side of being single?

Post 107



I had a really nice bag of sea salt and cider vinegar crisps yesterday, btw. I have to be in the mood for crisps and these were v goodsmiley - ok

I’m not a lover of cake myself (or indeed anything else stodgy and wheat based) smiley - choc, however is another matter smiley - drool and I have been know to eat chocolate cake. Yesterday evening, I had a particularly delicious hot chocolate pudding in a pub – the centre of it was all melty and chocolaty and yumyumyumyumyumsmiley - drool

Sorry, where was I?

Going back to the original topic if I may, I’ve been single for nearly six months and it’s great!smiley - smiley I wonder why I was so upset when he first b*****d off?

Good points to being single

Get up and go to bed whenever you like (and not having to worry about disturbing anyone else when you do)
No one snoring beside you or fidgeting all night long.
No one trying to man-handle you when you’re not in the mood
Being able to have a bath whenever you like because no one else is here to use all the hot water.
Not having to listen to someone talking about stuff you know they will never do.
No ‘blokey stuff’ cluttering up the house.
Eat whatever you like whenever you like
Watch only the programmes you like on telly
Being able to turn the telly off and reading a nice book
The only smelly shoes in the cupboard are your own
Smaller phone/electric/food bills
Not having to watch the football!!!!!!smiley - somersault

(aka A Selfish Old Bag and loving it!)smiley - biggrin

The plus side of being single?

Post 108

aka Bel - A87832164

Just don't buy them - that should help, if there aren't any in the house smiley - biggrin

The plus side of being single?

Post 109


I just cant say no smiley - wah

smiley - laugh

Glad youre feeling better about it all Liz!

The plus side of being single?

Post 110

aka Bel - A87832164

Yeah Liz, all that smiley - ok

The plus side of being single?

Post 111


Have you tried those walkers light crisps, maybe we can ween you off them

The plus side of being single?

Post 112


Tasmiley - smiley

I had a really nice day out with a friend yesterdaysmiley - smiley My parents were here last weekend, three weeks ago my brother came to visit, and a month ago I went to stay with him. No time for boyfriends, mesmiley - laugh


The plus side of being single?

Post 113


them potato head things you mean?

The plus side of being single?

Post 114

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

Evening all smiley - yawn I went for a nap this afternoon.... for about two hours smiley - huhsmiley - wah maybe I'm coming down with something smiley - dohsmiley - grr better go drink a bottle of gin to flush whatever ilnees is out of my system smiley - evilgrin 'a sign of sexual frustration' smiley - ermsmiley - wah hmm, maybe but I prefer to think its an active sexual imagination smiley - bigeyessmiley - laugh it was only kinda sexually related, but more sensual actually now I've remembered more of it, but just relaly really weird smiley - blushsmiley - winkeyesmiley - whistlesmiley - angel and the other dreams were pretty weird too, and I wasn't totally asleep whilst dreaming, as I looked at the time at one point, whilst still dreaming, but the looking at the time thing was definately* a real thing smiley - huh no wonder I felt tired today, don't think I sleep properly any of the time smiley - doh

The plus side of being single?

Post 115


If it has pictures,youre dreaming smiley - winkeye

The plus side of being single?

Post 116

A Super Furry Animal

I had a naked woman in my dream last night, which was nice. Wasn't anyone I knew, though.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The plus side of being single?

Post 117

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - bigeyes I dreamed a bit this afternoon too when I had a nap smiley - dohsmiley - whistle There were at least four women in the dream I had last night, well, this particualr dream, there were several, but slightly interrelated, kinda like differnt acts in a play I guess smiley - erm I don't think I recognized any of them either smiley - blush

The plus side of being single?

Post 118

A Super Furry Animal

She was very nice, though. Had hair like Daryl Hannah in Splash. It wasn't her, though.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

The plus side of being single?

Post 119

Zak T Duck

I had an imaginary girlfriend once. She dumped me for my imaginary friend smiley - erm

The plus side of being single?

Post 120

A Super Furry Animal

How imaginarily awful for you.

RFsmiley - evilgrin

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