Journal Entries

New baby On way

Well we have now got good news . karen are daughter, has been trying for a baby for a long time, had IVF that did not work,, Karen decided to have a rest from IVF treatment, and now she is Expecting her first baby in May, we are all excited, cant wait for baby to arrive. will keep you imformed

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2006

of on hol

Well i am all packed and ready for are drive to Cornwall, cant wait,, sand sea even the sun,, it has been nice all week, daughter is all ready there,,, smiley - surfer i will have to make sure i dont see any smiley - shark (surfer> while i am in the sea...smiley - surfer c u in 2 weeks byeeeeeesmiley - sharksmiley - surfer

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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2004

holiday soon

not long now, and Jim and i will be off on are holiday to Cornwall,
St Ives,, a new experiance this year, as are hotel we usually go to, has closed down, so it is a new hotel for us,, Are Daughter and son in law, are all ready there, we will meet up on sunday,, Karen says it is a nice hotel, food good, there is a good bar, and the views are great, in the bar it looks out on to the sea, and her room as a sea view, as are's will as well, i can't wait,,... weather on the tv, showed a cloud over St Ives, karen says the weatherman has got it wrong,, as they been on the beech all day, darren is like a lobster, all red, is was hot, Karen more sensible, she coverd up, so her tan is only a pink colour.. Karen said they was on the beach for 9am, and they stayed there all day.. it was packed.. oh i cant wait for sunday.. got to go now and start packing... feel free to reply.. luv Hazelxx

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2004

sat was a sad day...

sat was a sad day,, r lovely daughter, misscarried her baby,,, we are all very sad,,... r daughter& son in law, need all our love & support... they are a lovely couple. & will make good parents one day... we love them both & are thinking about them.... & can only be there for them......

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2003

sat was a sad day...

sat was a sad day,, r lovely daughter, misscarried her baby,,, we are all very sad,,... r daughter& son in law, need all our love & support... they are a lovely couple. & will make good parents one day... we love them both & are thinking about them.... & can only be there for them......

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Latest reply: Aug 18, 2003

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