This is a Journal entry by deepdaleduck

New baby On way

Post 1


Well we have now got good news . karen are daughter, has been trying for a baby for a long time, had IVF that did not work,, Karen decided to have a rest from IVF treatment, and now she is Expecting her first baby in May, we are all excited, cant wait for baby to arrive. will keep you imformed

New baby On way

Post 2


smiley - bubblyI am SOOOOO happy for you all!!smiley - applausesmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - cheers

New baby On way

Post 3


Hi Smurfles, don't have a panic attack, with the shock of this reply, what a long time since i have been in here... well Sal as you know, we got Alicia, she is a reely good child, keeps me busy , looking after her while her Mummy is at work. but as you know i enjoy it all ready...will email you soon take care .. love Hazel xx

New baby On way

Post 4


Hazel!!!smiley - hug
What a lovely surprise!!!
It's nice to see people coming back in to H2,hope you'll find more time to visit a bit moresmiley - applause
Look forward to hearing from you soon love.smiley - biggrin

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