This is a Journal entry by deepdaleduck

holiday soon

Post 1


not long now, and Jim and i will be off on are holiday to Cornwall,
St Ives,, a new experiance this year, as are hotel we usually go to, has closed down, so it is a new hotel for us,, Are Daughter and son in law, are all ready there, we will meet up on sunday,, Karen says it is a nice hotel, food good, there is a good bar, and the views are great, in the bar it looks out on to the sea, and her room as a sea view, as are's will as well, i can't wait,,... weather on the tv, showed a cloud over St Ives, karen says the weatherman has got it wrong,, as they been on the beech all day, darren is like a lobster, all red, is was hot, Karen more sensible, she coverd up, so her tan is only a pink colour.. Karen said they was on the beach for 9am, and they stayed there all day.. it was packed.. oh i cant wait for sunday.. got to go now and start packing... feel free to reply.. luv Hazelxx

holiday soon

Post 2


hi there's nice to see you back in h2.smiley - hugIt sounds as though they're having a good time already,so it should be even better when you're all there.I hope you have a lovely time,i'm gonna miss you!!!The hotel sounds to be in just the right spot,the one we stayed in was at the side of the thames,very relaxing and quiet!!!!Look forward to chatting before you go,good luck with the takes me ages!!!!smiley - biggrin>smiley - lovesalxx

holiday soon

Post 3


Hi sal, yes they are having a lovely time, darren was like a lobster according to karen when they got back to the hotel from the beach,i just got all my clothes sorted what i am to take, will pack on friday, i have made a list then i won't forget any thing,, ...
Glad you had a good time,, yes a hotel near the thames must have been great, Grandchildren in Reading, live near the Thames,, they go for long walks by the river,,... i will email you before i go,, Yes i will miss are chats, it wont be to long the 2 weeks usually fly... ,smiley - cuddlesmiley - biggrinill email you as soon as i get back...smiley - lovehazel xx

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