Well it's that time of year again!
A time when we all suddenly go silly in the Spring Cleaning departmentsmiley
Then the man in your life get s the urge to "do it yourself!" smiley
Don't know about smiling.....more like run for cover!
Unless you are very lucky, your man thinks he knows what he's doing....
and we all know, he hasn't got a clue!
All this and yes YOU get the urge to have him decorate a room or two...
The sun is shining,the birds are singing and the flowers are blooming.smiley All is well with the
Oops, forgot about our little do it yourself friend.......all is NEARLY well with the world.smiley
After all this,Summer is just round the corner!
ill be writing again soon...hug


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where are you??? May 14, 2002 May 17, 2002
Marion!!! May 14, 2002 May 14, 2002
hi sue May 14, 2002 No Replies
The Euro.. Mar 11, 2002 No Replies


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