This is the Message Centre for luckylady

hello Tina

Post 1


hello,liked your page,said a lot about you.
can you do the 'smilies' yet?smiley - hug
well,i'm registered on here twice ..
don't know how that happened!!smiley - bat
will write some more later then tina...have fun!!
lottsa love Sue.xxxsmiley - hug

hello Tina

Post 2


Hi Sue,
still having trouble working this you always have to put your name in the "search" box to get to the message page? It seems to be the only way i can get to my "about me" page.
I have absolutely no idea how to get the smiley faces etc....will have to work on that!
Thanks for the message again soon.
luv luckylady.xxxxxx (i mean Tina!)

hello Tina

Post 3


Hi luckylady,

I'm Jonny, and I'm an ACE here at h2g2. <./>ACEs</.> have the job of looking for people on h2g2 and officially welcoming you to this incredibly big, fun and addictive website!

To help get you started, I've compiled a page of links at A599330.
Or alternatively there's The Post Page of Useful Links at A616718 - <./>ThePost</.> is our weekly newspaper.

I see you've already got a couple of questions about the site:

To get to your space (the name we give for the message page) you can click on "My Space" On the orange bar across the top of the page.

To do the smiley faces you can click on this one: smiley - smiley

Don't Panic,



Post 4


hello again Tina....when you go to h2g2
along the top of the page is a line of yellow
yellow boxes,click on the one that says
my will take you o 'your page' that you
wrote your introduction on.
to do the smilies you just put < one
side of the word and > o the other
like if you want to put hug you put
the < smbol first then type the word
hug then put the symbol > the other side of the
word.if you type the word smilie in the
search box it will take you to a whole page of different ones
that you can do.hope this has helped you.
lottsa luv,Sue.xxxxx smiley - hug

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