This is the Message Centre for luckylady


Post 1


Hello smiley - smiley
ust a line say i'm off on my holidays very soonsmiley - smiley and i will report back on this when i return. I'm going to Tunisia, and i'm a little anxious since i heard some unsettling things about Tunisia since booking. So it will be interesting to see for myself!So wish me lucksmiley - hug and i shall return full of tales to tell!smiley - smiley Lots of love .....luckylady...xx

have a great time Tina!!

Post 2


hope you have a great holiday Tina..i am on holiday too!but i'm just
'chillin' out at home smiley - smiley anyway you have a luvvly time
and hope you get a gorgeous tan.smiley - hug
will chat to you on the e-mail before you go tho.luv Sue.
xxxxsmiley - hugxxx


Post 3


. Hi Tina smiley - hug
.... I finally found you smiley - smiley
.... a bit late but aleast i know
.... where you are now. smiley - hug
.... Marion xx smiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rose

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