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Zip Disk

Language as a means of communication is so limiting. The problem is most people like the idea of more cops. When did I become a criminal? Is my loathing of all things christian to source of my discontent? Maybe if I started to believe in diminutive women who flutter around with butterfly wings and intervene on my behalf...

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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2002

It's all fun & games 'til somebody loses their mind

How does all this work? Nobody visits me. The cheerleaders have all gone on strike--thrown down their pom-poms; they will cheer no more. Perhaps, the Republicans will get their way afterall and soon we are all packing fish into a can for $2.36/hr. Don't blame the United Socalist Party. Is that your ex-girlfriend from high scholl strumming that acoustic guitar? The last thing we need is another goddamn Ani DiFranco and failed personal bids at self-discovery. Holden Caulfield, where are you?

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Latest reply: Mar 13, 2002


There is no lithmus test for joining a revolution.

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Latest reply: Mar 7, 2002

Matt Rosoff

If I am to entertain any hopes of locating my lost bass palyer--albeit a long shot--it is here. Creeping Charlies, remember Matt?

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Latest reply: Mar 5, 2002

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

"When are you going to come down?/ When do you think you'll land?" Or "What do you want to do with your life/" Nothing! Years go by and you wish you were adifferent girl...When did I resign myself to become a walking corpse and stink up the place? Am I the only one who recognized that something here smells a little fishy?

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Latest reply: Feb 28, 2002

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