This is a Journal entry by King of the Jews


Post 1

King of the Jews

There is no lithmus test for joining a revolution.


Post 2


"Gross Misteatment of Genius"

You suggesting genius needs a teat? You may have a point.

Ease back on the pedal a bit. I think you're in the right place, but some of the horses startle easily.

Are you being proscribed methodone? The English government are toying with the idea of replacing methodone with pharmaceutical heroin for those who react badly to M.

Short-term thinking merely requires madder and madder solutions further down the line.

Welcome. Tea?


Post 3

King of the Jews

Mr. Frogbit,
No, I am not being prescribed Methadone. I just like it as a word. I realize I am a little hard on the pedal and I am sorry. I get confused a lot. I am glad you took the time to respond. Yes, I suppose there is a sense of urgency. I don't know quite how else to explain. I am not in any way suggesting conspiracies or mind control on the government's part but I will say this: There is a major problem with the wage system. The U.S. commits more terrorist acts than any other nation on Earth. Society doesn't treat too kindly those that attempt to shake its foundations. You don't like the scrapes we are handing out? You don't like the rules we have set up to insure the hoarding of the world's natural resources? Keep your mouth shut and stay out of my backyard. The US's policy/philosophy can be summed up in four words: Western Advance/Eastern Withdrawl...


Post 4


Hey King - no need to apologise. Have you read through we're whittling down the crowd right now, and there seems to be only two of us left - a Brit and an American. But I think this may be the begining of something intersting. Try to read through without losing your temper, and then let me know what you think at the end - just add your 2 cents/pence worth. How's it going?


Post 5

King of the Jews

Mr. Frogbit,
Thank you for taking the time to write back. I am at school and have to leave. I wil be back tomorrow. I started to read that sight you recommended and I do wish I had more time. I believe in the Beats--a group of individuals--like-minded, like-bodied--who sought only to secure the most condusive environment in which to create art. I is never too late.


Post 6

King of the Jews

Dear Mr. Frogbit,
I am encouraged by our brief correspondence. Perhaps, I am not so alone, afterall. I have been to England, and all things being equal, outside of San Francisco, I can't think of any place I'd rather be. I'm not sure if this is appropriate for this site but should you wish to contact me personally, I can be reached at my e-mail address @ [email protected]. I would love to hear from you. You do seem a most interesting sort of fellow. Otherwise, witty bits of sarcasm will do just fine. I imagine the frustration I feel bears no distinction from the garden variety alienation of sensitve boys in high school. However, I do firmly believe it is style over substance, and there is no greater sin than being ordinary. How far can you coast on charm? Well, pretty far... Every answer we'll ever need is in books and music and art, right? There simply must be a connective, mind-blowing truth...


Post 7

King of the Jews

Mr. Frogbit,
I added something to that sight you told me about. Check it out.


Post 8


Hey King. Personal communication is fine, you should set up your userspace with a few details, including an email address people can reach you on.
The great thing about this place is that it's anonymous - I've had threads running for weeks with one other person, and them someone jumps in out of the leftfield and makes you think twice.

You certainl;y aren't alone - there's a lot of people you should get on with here. There are only a few rules - no rude links, no swearing and no spitting.

"Every answer we'll ever need is in books and music and art, right? "
You should start a thread on that - there are all sorts of opinions here. It says on your userspace that you have written a masterpiece - have you published it on the web yet? Why don't you try here. It probably won't be edited guide material, but the guy at the other end of the link at the bottom of the page helps run an alternative guide - you should talk to him.

Which bits of England did you get to see? Tonsil


Post 9


And it's Frogbit. No Mr's here. I may well be a girly for all you knowsmiley - winkeye


Post 10

King of the Jews

Mr. Frogbit,
I was a porter for the Royal Airforce Club back in '89. I hunted down Syd Barrett up in Cambridge and yes, "now there is a look in (his) eyes like black holes in the sky..." I was young, naive--I'd relish the opportunity to go back someday,unfortunately, passports (the law) and finances have something else to say about the matter. "Masterpiece" is probably laying it on a bit thick, although I have written a book I do think is quite good. I'd be happy to send it to you. I'd classify it under "Holden Caulfield turns twenty, shoots smack and gets a broken heart" (or something like that). But the time does come to grow up and (lord knows) I'm trying. I will update my personal info to include all those things you mentioned...Feel free to e-mail me anytime ([email protected]). What is a "thread"? I am somewhat clueless about the whole internet thing, though I am willing to learn...


Post 11

King of the Jews

Just received the info 'bout you maybe being a lady. Sorry. I suppose "King of the" kind of gave me away...


Post 12


Ah - this is a thread. H2G2 is the site, and all conversations taking place in it are refered to as threads.

"I hunted down Syd Barrett up in Cambridge"

I lived just outside Cambridge, in a village called Trumpington, which over-looked Granchester Meadows (where Pink Floyd wrote a Saucer Full of Secrets).

"I'd be happy to send it to you"

Really, get some of it posted up here - loads of people will see it and give you feedback.
Have posted a remark to that other 'thread'

just plain old Frogbit - no mr, mister!smiley - winkeye


Post 13

King of the Jews

I have to go now. But hopefully tomorrow you'll be around and maybe you can walk me through the exact process entailed to post "the Prolonged Accusation of a Goldfish" up here. I have really enjoyed speaking with you Frogbit...I believe in the clandestine. I wholeheartedly support the idea of the collective unconcious. I am a sucker the stuff. I am a sensitive thug. I am looking for someone to take a ride with me...Who's game?


Post 14


Nice talking, King - G'night! smiley - smiley


Post 15

King of the Jews

I'm back Frogbit. "Please don't leave me alone in this world baby".
('baby' in the literary sense--purely for drama's sake).


Post 16


Hey King 2 mins online time nearly up - speak to you later on, baby.


Post 17

King of the Jews

Why only two minutes? I do not understand. I'm just getting all fired up--getting ready to crack some skulls (in the purely figurative sense--"I'm really quite a pascifist, it you want to know the truth") What book is that from? anybody? Anybody? That's right, "Catcher in the Rye". OK, next...I'm getting confused again. I have been out of the hospital for quite some time now. I am rehabilitated, in the eyes of society. I am ready to be an integral part of the team, boss. Punch me in. Put me on the assembly line. Mother Capitalism needs more sweaty cash from the grunt & toil of her faithful citizens. Who polices the police? well, No one, stupid. (Just ask Abner Diallo or Rodney King).
The radio station doesn't quite come in. I mean, I can hear a tune, but it's fuzzy--too much static. I am not suggesting they are poisoning the drinking water. Just remember, when the Republicans say "less government",what they are really saying is, "less regulations on big buisness".

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