Journal Entries

Bot Flies

I miss rock n-roll. I miss playing god. Is there any greater punishment than never being able to go home again? Criminal justice? Ha! I was never even slightly a criminal. I'm barely a sociopath, if you want to know the truth. It's funny how these things turn out in the end, isn't it? Does anybody really long for answers anymore? I gotta go...

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Latest reply: Apr 1, 2002

Spring Break

I am on Spring Break--which means, no computer access for a week...

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Latest reply: Mar 25, 2002

Girls named Becky and Amy

What's in a name? Sorry, I couldn't help myself. I hate writing thinks that I'd kick someone else's ass for. (I think that is OK to say--they do on NYPD Blue all the time now.) The latest beating came at the hands of a 'Becky'; the worst beating ever came at the hands of an 'Amy'. Throughout I have been continually beat up by both.

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2002

signing off

Another day wasted in the annals of "didn't quite do what I wanted" and/or I failed to make an impression. Back to my den with the god of dreams...and lousy, overpriced dreams at that!

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Latest reply: Mar 19, 2002

Diet Cola

I can't seem to make upi my mind if I want to be a good guy or a bad guy. There is so much virtue in both. There are still glimpses of a better man I once thought I could be. Oh, how convenient it would be if I could just blame the drugs. When will the bottom cave in? When will I have to humble myself some more? Cigarettes,--caffeine, nicotine, morphine...And what difference does it make?--to quote the Smiths. We skate inside etherised morbund and miscreant cherubs. It is useless to confer with the enemy--just as it is useless to cry "poverty" or "rape"...There are no superheroes--never were--never will be...

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Latest reply: Mar 18, 2002

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