This is the Message Centre for Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 121


Me requires nothing from you... that you are not prepared to give...

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 122

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Wha'd I miss? Wha'd I miss?

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 123


Well there was that naked young thing that ran through here... but... don't worry dear... ~grin~

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 124

Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

Hi Wargammer.

What have you missed? Well Bob and Grebo appear to have beome friends! Shock! Horror! A fish and a cat becoming friends? What ever next!

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 125


Wow... simpost... ~Grin~

Me has a lot of fishie friends... most notably Coely... a rather old but perfectly preserved fish me absolutely adores...

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 126

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Weird! smiley - weird

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 127

Calum McBain (chief Procurement Officer and opener of the mail to the Black Hole Escape Committee)

Should I be worried if Greebo likes preserved fish?

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 128

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

I am!

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 129


~grin~... What is wrong with preserved fish?

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 130

Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

I don't want to be a preserved fish - I like being alive

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 131


~grin~... and we all like you alive too...

By the way chaps... me will be away for a few days... so don't do anything silly whilst me not here to keep my cute... and some would say mighty pretty little eye on you all...

Greebs.. xx

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 132

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

we'll just eat all the donuts.......


I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 133


smiley - yikes

*hides behind the sofa*

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 134

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

i thought she'd strangled you.......


I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 135

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

I brought these for Bob

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 136

Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

Thanks smiley - biggrin

*starts eating smiley - donut*

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 137

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

I may require payment for them in kind later on smiley - winkeye

I'll be there for you.... when the rain starts to fall...

Post 138

6.48etc - Quartermaster and Chief Teamaker of the B.H.E.C. Keeper of Unnecessary Name Badges

Having noticed the distinct lack of activity in this thread for the past 5 days I thought I'd drop by to ask if there was any possibility that you'd be able to do my washing for me today.

When you've done that you might like to do my washing up and perhaps even do the hoovering.

Well, I did tell you I'd require payment in kind for all those smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut.

I'm still here...just

Post 139

Bob the Babel Fish (Official Secretary and Translator to the BHEC) {189771}=>1+8-9+(7*(7-1))=42 )

*emerges from underneath a pile of ironing...*

Hi folks...I'm still here smiley - smiley

Been a bit busy over the last few days doing all those domestic chores that needed doing

I'm still here...just

Post 140

Wargamer (The Wanderer)

Ironing? smiley - erm

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