This is the Message Centre for Researcher 189308

*arrives with mop*

Post 1

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

*opens the window to let some fresh air and sunlight in*
*watches the cockaroaches scurry into the corners*

Oh dear. If they're going to join the party they'll HAVE to learn to be a bit more sociable, won't they?

*begins to mop the floor, smiley - whistle while she works* A cricket chirps along.

Cool! That's supposed to bring good luck, isn't it?

*arrives with mop*

Post 2


As this party is taking place this side of the Pond, how did the 'roaches get here?
The cricket however is appreciated ( more than that early gatecrashing wildebeest).
Any ideas for any more rooms? I've got a very 'andy virtual builder available.
Invite yout friends (or even your fiends, as I've got both Freudian and Jungian psychiatrists on call)

*arrives with mop*

Post 3

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Y'all don't have cockaroaches over there? I thought they were everywhere, kinda like god. smiley - winkeye I think you're in denial, my dear. And since you have your shrinks on call, can we have a witchdoctor too? Just to keep things balanced? And maybe a voodoo priestess?

You've been busy making rooms while I was taste testing the coctails, haven't you? Ummmmm... did you remember to build a loo? I think we're gonna need one. *grabs loobrush and scouts the rest of the property*

smiley - cheerup

*arrives with mop*

Post 4


The loo goes in today.
No, over here cockroaches keep to restaurants and only the least hygenic houses. We're embarrassed only slightly if we have mice, more so if we have fleas, without having a resident pet, but we die if we have cockroaches, which is what we did the first time we saw them in our Texan friends kitchen.
Yes I think I've still got a ju-ju man left over from Ghana, sorry tho' no voodoo priestesses- they only attract the zombies. Where did I leave that gris-gris?

*arrives with mop*

Post 5

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Uh oh.... ummmmm.... it wasn't in that blue jar, was it? I think I tossed it into the jambalaya.... for good luck, ya know smiley - winkeye

*arrives with mop*

Post 6

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Good morning my dear.smiley - hug
I brought you some smiley - teaand

Would you believe I've never seen a IRL, I saw some on the film "Men in Black" and "Joe's Apartment" smiley - erm

Hmmmmmm nice clean room, you expecting company hon?
smiley - bigeyes

I must say, I like the sound of the he cute?

*arrives with mop*

Post 7

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

*sips smiley - tea and gets some smiley - strawberries*
Yep, I think the builder is awfully cute. And the party's going on here and there already, before I even finished cleaning. smiley - laugh We'll just have to make sure the drinks are nice and stiff so the guests don't notice the cockaroaches, I guess. smiley - smiley

Down here in the tropics roaches are everywhere because it never gets cold enough to kill them off. We have big ones that generally live outside, and they fly. The ones that infest houses are usually smaller. I rarely find them in my place because the apartment is sprayed every month. Once in a while they do come through the door, as I usually leave it open when I'm home. The smiley - cat always finds them and... plays... with them, and then *I* have the pleasure of finding the legs here and there and the body somewhere else. smiley - yuk

*arrives with mop*

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - ill

Oh, wonderful.

Pity smiley - catcan't be taught to dispose of their playthings when they've gotten bored.

smiley - groan

*looks out of window to try & catch sight of the builder*
smiley - tongueout

*arrives with mop*

Post 9

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

My grandmother's bathroom in Malaysia has some pretty impressive cockroaches - they're an inch long with a yellow stripe on the back. V. off-putting. smiley - sadface

*arrives with mop*

Post 10


Cockroaches do seem to be dominating the conversation here. Anyone want some chocoalte coated termites?

*arrives with mop*

Post 11

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - yuk
I'll pass, thank you. Gotta watch my girlish figure, ya know. smiley - winkeye It's Mardi Gras as well as Chinese New Year today. I DON'T want that to be a sign of things to come. smiley - smiley Gotta save all my calories for the King cake.

*arrives with mop*

Post 12


Over here, what peeps in N'orleans have as Mardi Gras we call Pancake Day and in our exuberant English way we celebrate by having Pancake races, where people race whilst tossing a pancake.

*arrives with mop*

Post 13

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

hmmmm... that sounds.... interesting. I think I prefer collecting beads, myself. smiley - winkeye

*arrives with mop*

Post 14

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Yes, some people over here are very adept at tossing.
smiley - winkeye

What's a King cake, MoG?
smiley - erm

If it's a smiley - cakewith a crown on top, ignore my question.

My email account is down, I know you wrote me hon, I saw your addy, but I can't open the letters.smiley - grr
I just tried rebooting {again} and now it won't load the email account at all.
smiley - blue
I think I'll turn my pc off & let it have a rest overnight.

*blows MoGgie a smiley - kiss*

smiley - zzz

*arrives with mop*

Post 15

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

A King cake is a coffee cake shaped in a big loop and drizzled with thin icing. They generally sprinkle it with purple, gold and green sugar. Sometimes the cakes have fillings, maybe cheese or a fruit filling. Yum! Inside it is a little plastic baby, and the person who gets the baby has to bring the next King cake.

In New Orleans the celebration goes on for about a month. People start to bring King cakes to work or when they get together with friends during that time. It's a big deal... people decorate their homes and spend exhorbitant amounts of money on costumes and formal wear for the balls and festivities which culminate in the last week of parades and debauchery and come to an end promptly at midnight on Fat Tuesday. It's a lot of fun. I really miss being there during that time. They REALLY know how to party in New Orleans. After Fat Tuesday everything goes very quiet for a while as they observe Lent, and then there's another big blowout with parades and green beer for St. Patrick's Day.

I haven't sent you an email since your debut on TV... that must be the Valentine's card I sent to you that's sitting in your inbox. Better late than never, eh?

Sleep well, and give your puter a rest. I imagine it needs one. smiley - smiley

*arrives with mop*

Post 16

Emily 'Twa Bui' Ultramarine

I've eaten too much New Year Cake... smiley - ill (we need a smiley>

My dad wouldn't let us have Pancake Day as well as Chinese New Year. Scumbag. Although it's probably just as well... smiley - laugh

wheres the party

Post 17


*arrives with some champagne and balloons*

Hello everyone. Am I late or is this party just getting started?

Oooh cake!

munches smiley - cake and cracks open the smiley - bubbly

______ smiley - bubbly
___ smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly
smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

wheres the party

Post 18


This lasts as long as people want it to.
See you've already made yourself at home.

wheres the party

Post 19


On Pancake day as well in several areas of the country villages play ancient versions of football with 100s of men and large balls.

wheres the party

Post 20


Has everybody gone out to watch the football?

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