This is the Message Centre for Researcher 189308

wheres the party

Post 21

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

Nope.... they're all watching the Olympics these days.

wheres the party

Post 22


What, even the Womens Curling?

wheres the party

Post 23


well, I avoid almost all sports, but there certainly was lots of interest in the curling when the brits got a medal. It always happens this way - the UK team does well in an obscure sport like curling, left-handed shooting, hop-skip-jump or 5 a side hockey and the whole country pretends to be hooked by a sport they'd never previosly heard of!

smiley - erm

Still, its all over now.

Now its all football on the telly it seems - did I mention that my ex's video recorder (which is in my custody) will only record football, no matter what I set it for? Tis evil trickery I tell you! smiley - grr

Ah well, I got better things to do than watch telly. smiley - smiley On Sunday I watched a towerblock demolition and then cooked Sunday lunch for pals and was lightly sozzled on red wine by sundown! smiley - biggrin


smiley - bubbly

wheres the party

Post 24


Curling is an exclusively Scottish sport and the only time we let them be "British" is when they win an international medal.
Didnt "we" do something in the bobsleigh or something?
I like watching ski ing and ice hockey (you lost nah nah niny nah nah), The rest leaves me quick literally cold ( I hate winter).

I'll stick to the Sumo and footie.

Where is everybody now?

wheres the party

Post 25

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

smiley - ghost
I never watch televised sports... I think I'm some kinda mutant. I accidentally caught some of the opening ceremony to the Olympics because it was on while I was at a pub. *sigh* I don't even know what kinda sports they do these days.

Sooooo out of the loop....

wheres the party

Post 26


i recently bought a cheap and shiny pair of trainers. They were £9.99, in black suede with white laces and white soles, and rainbow sparkly stripes. They are especially great cos they had a little sticker on the bottom saying that they were not to be used for training! Just my kinda shoe.

Sport... tsh. Not my cup of smiley - tea really

wheres the party

Post 27


Mine just say "non marking sole"
Don't think I've ever met an untrained trainer, ( how could I tell?).

wheres the party

Post 28

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

I saw something that had me laughing my butt off last night. I went to a local gym as I had an invitation for a week of use, so I decided to make that the 'spa' part of my vacation. I like gyms for brief periods, then I get bored with them and never go back. Anyway, there is a new feature that I hadn't seen before. The personal trainers were big guys, dressed all in black with black caps on... reminded me of ninja bank robbers for some reason. And they're brutal! One fella had several men with him in a group and he had them doing a ridiculously silly walk in a big loop around one section of the gym as he berated and abused them. And they responded! I can't believe people PAY for that! smiley - laugh Of course, when the trainer goes home to his family (if he has one) he's probably the sweetest, kindest man around because he doesn't have to hold his frustration in at work and take it out on the people around him.

I think I'll stick to yoga and swimming and the weight machines. smiley - smiley

wheres the party

Post 29


Yeah, swimming and yoga are ok. Theres a lovely new pool just opened close to my home that I hope to visit soon, once I'm back from holiday and have bought a swimming cossie! smiley - erm

I'm really not the sporty type. I was chatting about this with myflatmate last nite, she eats like a horse, goes to the gym almost everyday, takes long runs and is basically a food to energy conversion unit. I take a different approach, with less going in and less going out as energetic wastage. So long as my drink lifting arm is functional I'm quite happy.

smiley - cheers

wheres the party

Post 30

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

There's a lot to be said for efficiency. smiley - smiley

The 12 ounce curls smiley - cheers are probably one of the most important aspects of any balanced lifestyle. That's probably the ONLY form of exersize that I'm relatively consistent with, too. *sigh* I wish I felt the same kind of driving urge to do some yoga every few days that I do for having a beer. I think if that were the case I wouldn't have to be concerned about my expanding mass.

wheres the party

Post 31


If I understand it right the 12 oz. curls will develop the stomach ( for men) or the everywhere you don't want to put on weight, but will do absolutely nothing for the bits you want men to notice ( for everyone else).
I myself have cut down on food drastically as I haven't been able to work out since I've been ill. ( Every time I think I'm up to going back to the gym I find I' m tired from just walking). I have however still put on weight.
Some men find they can do more exercise when they are being shouted at.( Something in there for you girls?)

wheres the party

Post 32

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

You're right about the 12 oz. curls, beanfoto. It's a sad but true thing.

On the bright side, the scale at the gym told me I'd lost 5 pounds since Monday, which is heartening though I'm sure it's all water.

I went to a yoga class last night expecting the instructor to be my darling Nasser who was my first yoga teacher. He's a lovely man... his classes were always sooooo relaxed and warm and peaceful. The fella who ran the class last night was like some sort of military drill sergent. smiley - yuk Towards the end he started shouting out poses for us to go into and refusing to show us or tell us what they were. That was bizarre... I don't think it was his normal class, it's not as if everyone there had even been to a yoga class before. Is that normal or did I just run into something strange?

wheres the party

Post 33


You just ran into the Yoga SWAP team....

wheres the party

Post 34


Dep sense of deja vu.....

wheres the party

Post 35


Where do the missing postings go?

wheres the party

Post 36

Mother of God, Empress of the Universe

They get sucked into a black hole, never to be seen again.
smiley - magic

wheres the party

Post 37


So that's where magicians' rabbits live?

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