Happy New Year...

....to everybody. I'm going to have a bit of a look around at other pages before getting mine put together. So, bear with me a while so's I can learn some of the coding to make it look a little more interesting.

In the meantime, a bit of info. I'm a 42 year old business analyst with a new software company. As such, I don't get into the coding bit so learning the markup language might be a bit of a pain.

I've just taken up golf (I think it goes with the age); I've been having lessons and I'm now out on to the course to plough it up a bit (no, really, I'll put them back - honest guv!). In addition to that I can be found on Baildon Moor at times flying kites. I've got two foils (a black Flexifoil Stacker and a dayglo green 8 foot soft parafoil from Skibby Airware which is a pain to launch on my own but once it's up it doesn't want to come back down) and an HQ Vento delta kite. So, enough to keep me occupied.

Anyhow, it all looks a bit "plain" compared with some of the pages I've seen but bear with it and I might even get around to putting some links and pictures on.


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