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Not for the fragile of mind

God, some people are fscking idiots. Really.

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Latest reply: Aug 26, 2003

EEEK! F*ck me!

New Job. Start Tomorrow. Have to quit old job. Stress, everywhere!

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Latest reply: Aug 4, 2003

Just because you've got Guide ML, doesn't mean you have to use it.

In a thread somewhere, talking about some people in some places, there was made mention of the fact that a certain group of people seem to have taken to Guide ML more readily than most of the people who aren't in that group. I'm not naming names because the flames got high enough at the time, and I'd rather not have all of that jamming up my journal.

But, that said, I've been and seen some of the User Spaces in question and some others besides, and have come to a conclusion - Just because you've got GuideML doesn't mean you have to use it!

GuideML is good. It's pretty. It makes otherwise boring Uspaces into something fun and shiny and individual. Great. Lovely. I'm all for the use of GuideML to pretty up a space, put some pictures in and make some individuality. But GuideML abuse is bad, mmmkay?

One thing mentioned in the GuideML Clinic is that you should preview your page in all skins, to make sure that people of all preferences can read what you have to say without being blinded or going insane. But there's people who seem to have overlooked this fact. Dark blue text (bad on goo), neon colours, flashing/scrolling text in great quantities, huge boxes with fuschia backgrounds and yellow text (bad in ANY skin). It's nasty, really, really nasty.

Really, a USpace should stick to the K.I.S.S principle - Keep It Simple, Sh*thead. People aren't going to want to spend time in your Uspace, learning about you if it looks like an explosion on the inside of an 80's makeup case, or if it's going to take them hours to scroll down past all the nifty gadgets and bibs and bobs and gizmos, that makes the page several thousand screens long.

Speaking from my own experience, there's been several people who I'd have liked to find more out about, but I just couldn't stomach their Uspaces. They were HORRID smiley - yuk. Again, I'm not going to name names, because that's just nasty and I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate it. But really, I think everyone should just sit back and take stock of their Uspace from time to time. Is it relevant? Individual? Does it make you want to gouge your eyes out with a fork? If the answer to the first two is 'yes', then great. If the answer to the third is 'yes', however, then you know what you need to do...

Burn it. Burn it all.

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Latest reply: Aug 1, 2003

Why was I gone?

It's not that I don't love you all, God knows I do. It's just that my life got terribly busy, what with full-time work, keeping up a house and keeping Prince Charming (aka Marcus Arac for those not in the know) happy. And that last was the most important. After all, it was his first time to our fair shores and sunny climes. I had to make sure his sensitive english flesh didn't toast too well!

Okay, I kid, I kid.

But three months is all too short a time when you're with the one you love, and he left this afternoon, flying on a jet plane home.

I miss him and it hurts, but he's note Gone, just going home...So I'll be back more often, I'd wot. Now that I've got free time again and all...

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2003

Status Report

He's here. I'm happy. He's happy. Everyone's happy smiley - biggrin

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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2003

Back to Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured's Personal Space Home

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

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