This is a Journal entry by Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

Why was I gone?

Post 1

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

It's not that I don't love you all, God knows I do. It's just that my life got terribly busy, what with full-time work, keeping up a house and keeping Prince Charming (aka Marcus Arac for those not in the know) happy. And that last was the most important. After all, it was his first time to our fair shores and sunny climes. I had to make sure his sensitive english flesh didn't toast too well!

Okay, I kid, I kid.

But three months is all too short a time when you're with the one you love, and he left this afternoon, flying on a jet plane home.

I miss him and it hurts, but he's note Gone, just going home...So I'll be back more often, I'd wot. Now that I've got free time again and all...

Why was I gone?

Post 2

Linus...42, i guess that makes me the answer...

i'm amazed he got out in the sun at all smiley - whistle

Why was I gone?

Post 3

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

*snickers* He kept telling me what wonderful weather it was, and how he loved that it was so sunny, even when it was mostly cloudy. I'm laughing, though, because he's gone home to a heatwave *G*

Why was I gone?

Post 4


smiley - hug

he's still here in spirit...the ether variety, not ethanol.... smiley - winkeye

Wow...I haven't been here in three weeks, and it seriously feels like years. I miss it. I missed Faith's birth! Oh well...I've sent my congratulations to her now...we should have a meet in celebration of the event! smiley - biggrin

Why was I gone?

Post 5

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

smiley - ok I'm always up for another meet smiley - biggrin

Why was I gone?

Post 6


smiley - laugh....aren't we always! smiley - biggrin

Why was I gone?

Post 7

cafram - in the states.

I'm in pretty much the same boat as you - my American man left a month ago - I'm working about twenty million jobs so that I can go over at Christmas! It sucks big time, but at least we know they're still there...even if 'there' is about as far from Australia as it's possible to be...smiley - erm

Why was I gone?

Post 8

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

*smiley - hugs Cafram* One good thing - If relationships can survive stuff like this, then we're off to a good start! smiley - cheers

Why was I gone?

Post 9

cafram - in the states.

s'right!! smiley - ok

Why was I gone?

Post 10


OW! OW! Ow!

I came on here to say smiley - ta for the sympathy for my problems with Bloody Tiscali & what do I find?

The long distance lover pain thread!

OW! Ow! Ow!

--So it's ok on here to be joyous & counting days..until it gets to "This time next week" .... and the horrible realisation that you've gone too far & it will be "and we'll be saying goodbye."

It makes for a very special relationship, but, god, it ain't easy at the time is it?

Sometimes it seems even worse if you talk by phone, they are so "almost" there, but not quite, dammit!

But, the bliss when they are.......

Oh well, we carry on, as I said, thank you so much for caring enough to try & help with Bloody Tiscali, as you probably realise now, if my internet gets cut, so does a pretty major part of my life.

Squeak soon,

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri

Why was I gone?

Post 11

Sierra Indigo - now Cheesecakethulhu flavoured

smiley - laugh

Thanks for the thanks smiley - biggrin Heh. I just know I'd die without my internet, so I know your pain. That and I've had dealings with recalcitrant ISP staff before, though never to the extent that you did. Here's hoping you can get it sorted, though.

Why was I gone?

Post 12


If you go back to that thread, you'll see the latest!

Spim, by the way, is the "missing link" & can be found at U181927 (but he's out to lunch at the moment, after that, we are working on this weeks Hootoo Home of Today) You might like to read the last one:

A1119151 (do leave a comment if you visit!)

--This weeks may well be on the subject of Corporate blackmail!smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - grr!!!

smiley - cheers

smiley - zensmiley - devilTerri.

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