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Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 12, 2002
Hello AR1!!
Nice to hear from you
Sorry to hear about your problemĀ¬ Now, do you mean how do you get the plastic off the pot?
If so, what you have to do is to get the temperature of the pot back to what it was when the plastic melted. To do this, fill the pot with boiling water, keep doing that until the plastic melts again. then I`m afraid it can be both messy and hard work scraping the plastic off. Whatever you do, DO IT OVER A SINK, DON`T HOLD THE POT! Turn it upside down in the sink.For the scraping, a pan scrub or something similar might do the trick, but for goodness sake, be careful!!
Any trouble..... BUY A NEW POT!!!
And next time, dear AR...Use a wooden coaster or something similar!!
Hope you can fit enough to have another appointment soon, you must be really fed up about that
Be sure to let me know how you get on.
Take care AR
Be sure to let me know how you get on, and, once again, be careful.
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 13, 2002
Hi dear ,Thanks for the tip. I shall do it tomorrow when my carer is here and we can both attack it together. When I printed your instructions the first one came out with a sort of envelope thing for the and the second printing had it with a "smiley" . Have you got new smileys? You shall have to remind me how to print them out again. I must admit I am slightly nervous of doing it and wonder if it would be better to get a new pot!!. I also left some mackerel cooking in the oven last night and the result this morning is a charred lot of horrid sticky mess. I think I must be losing my head!!.Or it is the anti-biotic.(A bad workperson blames his/her tools!!) I have just received such a funny list of jokes from one of my French cousins. Wish I could translate them all for you. But there are 31 philosophical reasons why this particular chicken crosses/d a road. And some of them are exceedingly funny. That was his New Year gift to me!!. Thanks again soooo much for taking the trouble to help me. Affectionate AR1 I shall let you know the outcome of the cleaning exercise unless I blow myself up in the process in which case I shall come and live in your woods and play golf EVERY day!!
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 13, 2002
Now , just you pay attention AR!!!
If you do blow yourself up, I will BAN you from the course!!
Seriously, a good idea to let your carer do the cleaning. Better still, get a new pot. For what it costs, a much safer solution to the problem!
31 reasons to cross the road? Some chicken!!
Put it with the Mackerel and have a Goulash
Keep battling on AR , there ain`t many of us left. Keep in touch.
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 14, 2002
Dear dear , I think that is what I miss the most about you. You make me laugh!!. Something very precious. Well, Hazel my carer and I set to. I actually had thought of a "better" way to heat the pot and this was to put it over the open gas flame and heat it from the inside. We did it together, and then I held the pot whilst Hazel GENTLY scraped the plastic off with the side of a knife. It actually was a place mat of Widemouth Bay in Cornwall which is now consigned to the rubbish. And hey presto!! After the faint smell of when one extinguishes a candle the bottom of the pot was clean. So thanks so much for the advice of heating it up. I suddenly realised after I had posted my letter to you that it would have given you the heeby jeebies when I said I would blow myself up. Sorry I have got a very extravagant way of speaking. I did'nt mean it - I just thought it was funny. Three reasons for the chicken crossing the road. Cartesian one - "To go to the other side"; Platonic one " For his good On the other side was Truth" Marxist one "it was historically inevitable". Actually said in English they don't sound so funny. Sorry. Please don't ban me from the course and I promise I shall try and have a more respectable sense of humour. I really am too old to practise such hyperbole. Affectionate s AR1 .
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 14, 2002
Glad it worked out OK AR !!
My first idea was the gas-flame approach, but thinking you might tackle it on your own, I had visions of you going up in smoke!
I won`t ban you this time, but you must behave yourself in future!!
Incidentally, if ever you feel the need to extend your nickname, how about:
AR1 (the hyperbolic )
Now that`s got a ring to it
Talk to you soon
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 15, 2002
Dear . Thanx so much. With your help I might just get there! from AR1 (the hyperbolic) P.S.I'm all cheerful because one of my granddaughters is coming over from Oz in order to study environmental engineering. She is going to join me in Cornwall for a week in September. Wonderful!!Bye for the moment and many thanks again.
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 18, 2002
Hello, AR!!
That`s good news about the visit
Environmental engineering, now there`s a subject with plenty of scope!
A good place to go, then, while you are in Cornwall, would have to be the Eden Project. They have certainly engineered the environment at that site!
We`ve been on two visits, the first time was before the domes were completed, that was interesting, seeing the construction work etc.
Second time, last year, everything major had been completed, and it was well worth the long wait in traffic hold-ups to get in!!
You would like it there (there is full access, you would just need a strong helper!!)
A Grand-daughter from OZ would be perfect
See you soon
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 18, 2002
Hi dear , Yes the Eden project is quite fantastic - and they have wonderful facilities for wheelchairs for viewing the site. I should think however that getting into the domes would be another story. I am trying to find a cottage on the web site because now I have invited my two English grandsons to come with me as well. - plus my brother and my son whom I take on holiday every year. Unfortunately the hotel where we usually stay does not have single rooms for the period that the young are free to go away. So if you know of a LARGE cottage, which is wheelchair accessible do let me know.On Wednesday I had a really nice lunch party. I decided that if I sat here feeling sorry for myself I might just as well not be here. So I invited two friends - one an octagenerian and the other a newly widowed friend. I cooked a really nice lunch - I love cooking and eating!! - took out my best crystal, cutlery and napery and hey presto we had a really super time. It is amazing. The more one does when one is in a wheelchair, the more one is able to do. Go well dear lurcher. A big AR1
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 18, 2002
PS I forgot to tell you that my cataract op/ had to be cancelled because I had an eye infection - that is why I was feeling mis. It just show you how rewarding it is to do something else like having a lunch party!!. Hopefully it will not be too long before they can do it. They said possibly three weeks. And then the orthopaedic hospital phoned me telling me that I was now top of the list for a double hip replacement. I am in two minds about this because unfortunately all other parts of my undercarriage have quietly given way and I refuse to have any more big ops having had emergency open heart surgery eight years ago. I feel I am on borrowed time and I do not need to spend it in hospital - certainly not at my great age!!. Hence all the plans for making the most of every day. I would love to have a Maclurcher though!!. and play my round of golf. Love AR!
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 18, 2002
Getting in and around the Domes is no problem AR, all catered for. But you will need a strong helper to get the best out of it !!
Can`t help with the cottage though. There are plenty advertised in lots of papers, it might be an idea to ring around,`ll surely find one!
Don`t know what to say about the hospital agenda AR, whatever you decide to do, well, nobody knows better than yourself how much you are prepared to take. I think you`ve probably had enough trauma for one lifetime. But, you will know best
Talk again soon
Take care
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 24, 2002
Hi dear You were on-line when I again sought your help. But I think that I sent it to the wrong "address"!! I have just made the breakfast and came back to see if you had found my question. Not yet. I would like to wish the party goers a happy evening. How do I do it? I have tried clicking onto various things but nothing happens. As I have said before I find it very difficult to initiate a conversation. Also I see that I am listed as Also ran in the guest list and of course I only look at Also ran 1 now. I have also responded to a piece that was written on Skin and in particular psoriasis . I would very much like to give the name of my acupuncturist who is quite brilliant and who has literally made my life livable over the last few years. However I hesitate to do this publicly and have asked how I can contact the hierarchy in order to be enabled to give this information without offending anyone.I tried to get to the H2G2 from the "Online" button but did not manage to ask my question. There are a lot of things that I still do not know and I waste hours trying to do it. However I am getting somewhere with my online investigation for our holiday. Take care dear friend.A big Your faithful AR1
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 24, 2002
Hello AR!!
Sorry I missed you when you were on earlier
Now the best thing for you to do to get an answer re the expert you mentioned is: 1..Press "help" button, near the top of your screen. then want "h2g2 Feedback" 3...Then "Editorial Feedback"
Scroll down to the bottom and hit the Reply button. If you pose your question there, AR, someone will get back to you.
Hope this helps. If you get lost, remember you are looking for Editorial Feedback, There are several ways to get there!!
Good Luck!!
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 24, 2002
Back again AR!
Anna, the sub-editor will be visiting your page soon, you will be able to ask her direct.
Look out for her!
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 29, 2002
Hi Thanks so much for the introduction. I managed to get through thanks to your excellent instructions. I have been very busy on the Vatican site. There has been a big peace conference in Assisi - the home of St. Francis , lover of s and of all humanity. It has really been fascinating. I download so much to send to friends and iterested people. St. Francis was really an extraordinary man. Affectionate s AR1
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Jan 30, 2002
Hello AR1
Glad I was able to help.
I`ve not been around much, just in and out to see whats happening.
Had a bit of a rough time, not been feeling well for ages, so eventually was persuaded to see the doctor. Turns out I`ve got a couple of infections that have been getting worse, now been identified, so the anti-biotics are now starting to kick-in.
I could have saved myself a lot of worry if I had got medical attention much sooner! Typical of me!
Anyway, things will hopefully improve from now on, and I`ve now learned my lesson
Nice to hear you are enjoying the Vatican site, where would you be without your trusty computer !!
See you soon
Take care
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Jan 31, 2002
Hi dear , sorry to hear that you have been poorly/ Have you heard of the latest lupine model of golf anoarak made of human hair? Apparently they are light, warm, and the joy is that you can get them in different colours of blonde, black, brown and even a snowwhite one for those who live in the antartic!! You should really invest in one when you play so much golf on your lovely course. Yesterday we celebrated the anniversary of my father's 100th birthday. He actually died in 1973 but was a most remarkable man. I am now bothered because how am I going to finish the biography of dear Barnabas and also start one of my father. There is SO much to do, and so little time. A fond at a safe distance because I do not want to catch your cold!!.AR1
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Feb 2, 2002
Hi , Hope you are feeling better. I found your fabulous new site. Did you design it yourself? Wonderful. I've been watching the skiing and the rugby consequently not much work being done! A big AR1
Welcome back !!
Lurcher Posted Feb 2, 2002
Hello, AR1
Feeling much better ,thanks, more like wot as `ow I should!!
Ah, you mean my Hideaway! ex-R set it up for me,(she does things like that), and we have a bit of fun with rhymes and verse and stuff
I`ve seen no sport at all today, been busy tiling the Bathroom, don`t even know any results yet! Shows how busy I`ve been And more to come tomorrow
Anyway, no doubt I`ll find time for a few s inbetween times!
See you soon
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Feb 3, 2002
Hi But just think how beautiful your bathroom is going to be. What colour are the tiles? When you lie in your bath, or have a shower, you can think that it is you, King of the s who created it yourself. That should make you very happy. Apart from all the marvellous s you must have been kept supplied with by all your Muses!! You have got a wonderful group on friends on your hideaway site. I hope you do not mind me reading it. Also thank you for asking Paul to reply to my comment. It is sad but he probably does not enjoy being what he is. And it is such a super job. Incidentally the documentary last night was out of this world. It was the story of two s male and female who meet up in the Jordan Valley and who start a "tribe". The photographs were quite unbelievable, and we saw each of the little nine cubs being born. I do not know how they got the camera into the den. The male sat outside her den for the full period that she gave birth to the cubs and fed them and only came out after about a week. He never left her. Such devotion was wonderful You have chosen a marvellous ally!! If I knew how to work my video I would have recorded it and sent it to you. If I knew where to send it. I must learn to work it. I have had it nearly ten years. Well I must get ready to go to Mass. It is the 16th anniversary of my darling Dick.s death today. I cannot believe that it is such a long time since I saw him. I miss him so much still, but we had such a happy and fulfilled life together. With an affectionate AR1 I am so pleased you are feeling better. Take care of yourself and do not do too much. Spend lots of time in your lovely dungeon being spoilt!!
Welcome back !!
Also ran 1 Posted Feb 13, 2002
Very dear I see that you have another friend who has gone. So another stressfull day for you. I absolutely LOVED your fantastic poem. It is really the first time I have ever had anything written for/about me, and I promise you that I shall always treasure it. I have got an article which I would like to send to you about the recent peace meeting in Assisi and they mention St. Francis and the of course the wolf quite a lot. I wonder if I could get onto a scanner if I could send it to you. I had a look at the photographs yesterday of the party. A very jolly looking lot of people there. My granddaughter is going to Sheffield University. Is that in your neck of the woods? I have been having a very interesting conversation with a super person from Shropshire all about the country there. In fact I have met a lot of super people lately. but you, dear will always be TOPS for the old bird.!! With a great big AR1 PS I am trying to find someone to take me swimming. My regular is unable to come today.
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- 41: Lurcher (Jan 12, 2002)
- 42: Also ran 1 (Jan 13, 2002)
- 43: Lurcher (Jan 13, 2002)
- 44: Also ran 1 (Jan 14, 2002)
- 45: Lurcher (Jan 14, 2002)
- 46: Also ran 1 (Jan 15, 2002)
- 47: Lurcher (Jan 18, 2002)
- 48: Also ran 1 (Jan 18, 2002)
- 49: Also ran 1 (Jan 18, 2002)
- 50: Lurcher (Jan 18, 2002)
- 51: Also ran 1 (Jan 24, 2002)
- 52: Lurcher (Jan 24, 2002)
- 53: Lurcher (Jan 24, 2002)
- 54: Also ran 1 (Jan 29, 2002)
- 55: Lurcher (Jan 30, 2002)
- 56: Also ran 1 (Jan 31, 2002)
- 57: Also ran 1 (Feb 2, 2002)
- 58: Lurcher (Feb 2, 2002)
- 59: Also ran 1 (Feb 3, 2002)
- 60: Also ran 1 (Feb 13, 2002)
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