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Tefkat Posted Apr 21, 2002
Probably use them to make a patio outside the conservatory (if we ever finish rebuilding THAT )
Having a flagstone floor in the living room is no doubt quaint and picturesque but they were laid very badly so we keep tripping over and a stone floor is incredibly cold and hard on the feet.
Well, we're going to put in joists with waterproof chipboard screwed to them and then glue reclaimed tongue and groove mahogany on top the same as the kitchen.
But this time we're going to sand them individually BEFORE putting them in. (I'm STILL cleaning mahogany dust off everything )
Directionally Challenged
Tefkat Posted Apr 21, 2002
Ru's decided to give up ceilidh band (thank goodness) but he wants to join the athletic club instead.
It wouldn't matter so much if the school wasn't 12 miles away and above the snowline
Directionally Challenged
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Apr 21, 2002
You need to be careful about breathing mahogany dust. I had a bad experience with it years ago when I hand-carved a solid guitar body out of Honduran mahogany.
I helped salvage some hundred year old tongue and groove once.
We ended up installing it as a second floor, tapping the sawn to measure boards into place with our feet dangling!
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