This is the Message Centre for Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Directionally Challenged

Post 81

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

uh, no. I'm about half-domesticated.
I realized what it was....pie is out of the oven and meatloaf is in...the kid told us last night we had to be at a concert after school today....wife told me this morning, no, it's next Wed. And I hadn't erased the previous mental finger knot.

It's hard learning a language in a vacuum. Took me years to learn english because nobody around me spoke it, kinda like where I live now. It was supposed to be the language, but nobody bothered to learn it. We've got foreigners and Mexicans around here that speak better English than my kid's teachers.

My father took Spanish for four years and doesn't have a clue now.

Directionally Challenged

Post 82

Dorian Gray

I've been taking german for 3 years and I still onnly speeak two languages. English and Bad English.


Directionally Challenged

Post 83

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Truly stupid question, but I'm asking out of ignorance. Do they have rednecks where you live?

Directionally Challenged

Post 84

Dorian Gray

In the hills around town. We have some of the typicallly steriotipical red necks you will ever find.


Directionally Challenged

Post 85

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Pickup trucks and beer, huh? What do they listen to?

Directionally Challenged

Post 86

Dorian Gray

exactly. And how should I know what they listen to. Am not one of them.


Directionally Challenged

Post 87

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Ah. Well, around here we know what they listen to because they drive around with their windows open, sharin it. Seems to be a lot of country and Metallica.

Directionally Challenged

Post 88

Tonsil Revenge (PG)


Directionally Challenged

Post 89



Directionally Challenged

Post 90


smiley - musicalnoteWho's your lady friend?smiley - musicalnote

Directionally Challenged

Post 91

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Don't remember. Will have to read back in thread to find out.
Just popped out of nowhere.

Hows it going around there?

I got a used van yesterday for cheap.

I go to the Oral Surgeon today to see what he says.

The yard is growing before my eyes.

The daughter has been improving with her trombone but I am not sure about her schoolwork.

Directionally Challenged

Post 92


What don't you remember?

I'm suffering from serious sleep deprivation. My grand-daughter never seems to stop crying.....

Directionally Challenged

Post 93

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

My sympathies.

I don't remember anything about the other person in this thread.

Directionally Challenged

Post 94


Oh, I see.

Sorry smiley - grovel - I wasn't asking, just singing...

smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote Hallo, hallo, who's your lady friend...smiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote Who's the little girlie by your sidesmiley - musicalnotesmiley - musicalnote

Perhaps you're not old enough to remember. smiley - winkeye

Directionally Challenged

Post 95

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

Age has nothing to do with. I probably have not run across it recently.
I've never been one to live in my own time.
We might also have a slight cultural devide.
Or not.
In any case, I survived the surgery, but I don't remember a single second of it. They told me I would be drowsy... I went out like a light once they got the IV going. Was awokkened just enough to get into the wheelchair and get tooken downstairs.
I don't remember coming home...yet, my things are where I would put them...

I haven't been able to fully explore my mouth, yet, but I know that many of the things that have bothered me for the last decade are gone.

Directionally Challenged

Post 96


smiley - cuddle

Directionally Challenged

Post 97

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

It's getting better, now.

Directionally Challenged

Post 98


smiley - cheerup

Directionally Challenged

Post 99


No energy, can't string words together coherently.
We're lifting the flagstones in the dining room so we can build a wooden floor. I think the dust has clogged the gears in my brain.

(We're having one of those weekends - the 9yo was asked on Thursday to join the rugby club which meets just up the road from the church, 15 minutes after they get out (smiley - yikes) but he had a night hike on Friday after cubs and came home exhausted yesterday and consequently wasn't ready this morning (which meant a 13 mile dash home and back during that 15 minutes) and for some reason Mass took longer than usual so we didn't make it and now we have to take him 15 miles (to the nearest town) for the St. George's Day Parade and service.

Directionally Challenged

Post 100

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

What are you going to do with the flagstones?

The dust and grime from years of use can make your life very interesting. I suggest a salt water gargle and a blob of Vicks under the nose.
What kind of wood floor are you putting in?

Our kid isn't involved in anything but band at the moment.

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