Journal Entries


I just bought a Stargate DVD set on Ebay, and I'm feeling buyers' guilt. It's the first time I've bought anything from Ebay.

Did I need it? (no) Could that money have been spent better somewhere else? (yes) Can I afford it? (unless something terrible happens in the next two weeks, yes) Will it make me happy, or if not entirely, let me enjoy myself? (hey, it's PA- we've got to have something to watch) Did I really give in to impulse there?

smiley - erm


smiley - erm

Is that bad? I don't do it often, but still. smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Aug 28, 2005


Hi everyone! In case you've missed seeing my eyeballs around this weekend, I'm back! And if you haven't, well smiley - nahnah too bad!

In the past two days, I have moved about 150 miles east of where I was before to State College. I'm living in a graduate dorm with a girl who has never been on her own before, a lady from China, and another one with a Korean name that hasn't shown up yet. Unless she knows how to cook and clean, I'm probably going to be the domestic goddess of the situation.

You should be frightened by this.

I'm one page through a two page to-do list and my deadline is tomorrow, so hootoo is going to be curtailed for another day at least, until I can figure out directions around this massive campus.

I got a digital camera for my birthday, so is going to be updated more frequently. I have a few things on there already, but hopefully I'll be able to compile a Penn State album.

Another thing- my laptop battery is almost shot, so things are going to be a bit iffy with that until I get a new one. If you're on MSN with me and I suddenly disappear, that's probably why.

My participation in my RPs should be continued uninterrupted- as soon as I can actually get online in my dorm room!

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Latest reply: Aug 22, 2005

Two more weeks

Well, it's been a while since I've posted one of these... hmm...

I've got two more weeks until I move into my apartment at Penn State. That means two weeks to sort through all my books, clothes, and miscellaneous stuff to decide what I'm taking. I need to take all of my geology textbooks, especially my mineralogy. Man, am I bad at mineralogy.

That means two more weeks of working concerts. On Monday we had Warped Tour- skater music. They were opening the pavillion, so they had no use for us ushers to do our regular jobs. We were assigned various other spots around the park. At first, I ended up at claim check, where people could check food and other items they weren't allowed to bring in, with my friend Chris. Then, once we got into kind of a rhythm, our boss showed up and asked for one of us to guard the lunch tent. Since Chris is really fair, I volunteered and left him in the nice shady shade of the claim check barn. After following my boss to the admin building, we found that one of the girls working backstage had become ill and they needed someone else. So, I got volunteered for that one. It was fun, people were nice to me, I got breaks to eat and drink (though at one point I was so hot that I just started swallowing ice cubes whole), and I got to give one of the bands directions to the nearest Wal-Mart so they could fix the hitch on their van. smiley - smiley

I've got just over a month until my best friend's wedding I'm a bridesmaid in. That reminds me- I have to pick up my dress!

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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2005

The Concert from H-E double hockey sticks

As many of you already know from my complaints and comments, I am spending the summer working at an outdoor concert venue. Last night was the Tom Petty concert, and we were understaffed, with a sold-out crowd, half of them drunk by the time they got to the parking lot.

That is not a good condition to be understaffed.

Nine times out of ten, people were nice to me, and went where they were supposed to, but that one person ruined it for everyone. I had people spill beer on me, jump seats, I had to physically grab some people and haul them out, and I'm just an usher! One guy flew up on me so fast, that I had to chase him all the way around the section at a full run before I chased him out again! I've been called a... well, I won't say what I was called last night because I would surely get modded. On top of that, they trashed the place, and because we were so understaffed, I had to help clean up!

I get six bucks an hour to take this abuse. Seriously, folks.

And afterwards, one supervisor had the gall to tell us that we weren't doing our jobs, because we didn't check every single ticket, and someone in another section got hurt when a bunch of people rushed the gate. smiley - steam Luckily, before I completely lost it at him, my supervisor jumped in and said that we did the best we could checking tickets when there were people jumping seats, rushing us, and trying to knock us over. I didn't get a break, and since the employee window was closed before and after the concert, I had to pay $3 for a lousy pretzel- actually, the pretzel was good, I was just honked off that I couldn't get my discount because the lazy contractors don't want to open the window up in time for the employees to eat.

You know, normally I like this job because I'm too poor to go to concerts myself. I usually get to hear at least some of the music, and see a little bit of the show. But last night, I can't even tell you what Tom Petty played!

smiley - grrsmiley - steamsmiley - puffsmiley - puff

All right- rant over. smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Jun 16, 2005

Dispatch from the Middle of Nowhere: AppleGeeks

Well, so far, I'm a college graduate living with my parents, who never miss an opportunity to remind me how messy my apartment was when they moved me out, working a dead-end job and waiting for my life to start again in State College, PA.

Everyone in an RP with me needs to start playing again.

Right now.


BECAUSE I'M BORED! smiley - wah

Anyway, I've found a great webcomic:

I really like the sinister twist the storyline has taken lately, and I think my friends will get a kick out of it, especially Kham and Anthea, cause they're so into art (good drawing). So I'm making like a kindergartener and sharing.

See you all later! 50 minute hour is up!

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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2005

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