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Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 81

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

Oh & local fundraising events are ongoing!

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 82


Thank you Ivan, Jazz, Pheloxi. You're right, I shouldn't let a few trolls get to me.

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 83

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

I found it very good of school's Baton Rough and Texas to give displaced kids a place to get education!...

The Netherlands lost 150,000 people in February of 1953 due to very big storm, because of it Delta plan was started to rise all dykes and dunes a certain height, because a very big part of the Netherlands lays under the sealevel.

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 84


I should explain that it is really personal to me, as several of my in-laws have lost everything.

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 85

Ivan the Terribly Average

(I like your *new* tagline. smiley - blush)

I noticed somewhere or other that you had personal connections to the affected region. That's never a pleasant experience. There's the urge to help, to do everything possible, yet somehow a strange feeling of guilt for being in a safe place. Or at least, that's how I end up feeling after bushfires and things that happen here.

Just remember - people are remarkably tough things. They will get through this.

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 86

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

smiley - hugMy thoughts are with them!! A very serious situation...we have to remember that these were people like you & I, not just faceless points on the map, or whatever!

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 87


I've off to bed y'all. Tis 3am here. Jazz, you night owl, what are you doing up?

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 88

jaz'd(ace & yada yada *sigh* chocolate yada)

That's it hunsmiley - laughI'm a night-owl! Hoot Hoot!smiley - winkeye Nightsmiley - smooch

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 89


Just to show what I was talking about smiley - yikes

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 90


Nearly 300 people and 60 animals were airlifted from the New Orleans Airport to Knoxville, Tennessee this morning. The people at our shelters were expecting people from Mississippi last night. They never arrived. These folks were forced from their homes yesterday, or at least some of them were. The few we saw on TV looked shell-shocked. Bless their hearts, I know they don't want to be here, 600 miles from home. They were thankful to be safe, but you could tell, they wanted to be home. We will do our best, here in Knoxville, to make them feel welcome, but there's no place like home.

Freaked Out About New Orleans

Post 91

psychocandy-moderation team leader

Hiya JEllen. Hope you're hanging in there all right. smiley - hug

It's small consolation, but stories like this one make me feel a little bit better:

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