This is the Message Centre for Ellen


Post 41


Ah, I haven't seen the Twilight movie yet, but am looking forward to it. Somehow I think I will like the book better, but we will see.

I've joined a weekly painting group. Very excited about that.


Post 42


you should go see it smiley - smiley i liked it.

and that sounds like a good idea smiley - smiley what type of paintings are you doing at the moment in the class?

do you have a good teacher?


Post 43


Right now I'm doing a portrait of my favorite actor, Leonardo Dicaprio. So far it's going very well.

Our group doesn't exactly have a teacher, though we do give each other advice and encouragement.

I saw Slumdog Millionaire. Good movie. Rather intense throughout. Some of the violence made me cringe. Still thought that Benjamin Button was slightly better.


Post 44


ive been told by many that Slumdog Millionaire is a brilliantly good movie. smiley - smiley but i havent seen it smiley - sadface

benjiman button, however, i have seen... quite good smiley - smiley but i didnt like how animated the hummingbird looked... (just me being picky :P)
but it finished well i think. i was sort of afraid the ending would be really bad..
(went too long though!).

so what other movies have you seen?
smiley - smiley


Post 45


I watched Forrest Gump today. Really good movie.

Sorry I haven't been online much. I've been painting and painting and painting. Mostly florals.


Post 46


that is a good movie! smiley - smiley i like it..

and thats ok. i dont come on here much anymore anyway...

hope painting is good! florals as in paintings of flowers? (just making sure!) smiley - smiley thats cool. favourite flower?


Post 47


Howdy, yes, flowers, indeed. I am trying (repeatedly) to paint yellow and pink roses, and they are difficult!!! I'm pleased with my rose paintings so far, but wish they were better.


Post 48


keep trying! smiley - smiley youll be right.. and roses are difficult.

im painting jack in the boxes for my HSC artwork - im getting really excited about it all smiley - smiley

even though i shouldnt start until thee terms away.

take care!

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