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Hannah-Music Started conversation Nov 22, 2008
just thought i should say i was looking through your paintings and they are gorgeous
also how are you?
hope youre well and thanks for contributing to my journal entry
Ellen Posted Nov 24, 2008
Thank you for the nice compliment.
I've been a little down because I'm missing the sunshine. It's been overcast and rainy all week.
Hannah-Music Posted Nov 30, 2008
no problem and weve had weird weather here... its been the hottest for ages and now its thunder storms... but i like rain (occassionally) its better than boiling hot like we have...
what have you been up to?
take care.
Ellen Posted Dec 2, 2008
Hi hun, I haven't been able to do too much this week, because I've been depressed. But my niece is coming over tomorrow to exercise with me, and I'm looking forward to that. She's a dear person, I'm sure we'll have fun.
Ellen Posted Dec 5, 2008
I am starting to feel much better, thanks. And exercising with my niece has been fun, though my muscles are a tad sore tonight.
Hannah-Music Posted Dec 5, 2008
thats good to hear (apart from the muscles feeling sore!)
im wanting to go for a jog right now but its started to rain
oh well...
what are you up to?
take care.
Ellen Posted Dec 6, 2008
I went to the grocery tonight and bought some blackberry cobbler. Do you like blackberries? We used to pick them when I was a kid, and make homemade cobbler.
Tomorrow a friend of mine is coming over and we are going to watch a DVD about a little girl trying to win a national spelling bee.
It's almost Christmas -- do you put up a tree? I don't usually, because I'm afraid my cat would tear it up.
Hannah-Music Posted Dec 8, 2008
ooh sounds nice! yes, i love blackberries. i used to pick them as a kid too - we lived in america for a bit and there were so many blackberry bushes down the back of the house... we made blackberry pies a lot
whats the movie called? sounds good
haha yea we put a tree up but its about 50cm tall and fake :P weve had it since before i was born and its easy to decorate because its small. but its not up yet were too busy at the moment - havent even gone christmas shopping yet.
what type of cat do you have?
have a lovely afternoon.
Ellen Posted Dec 10, 2008
My cat's name is Micio, and she is a beautiful Tabby. I'll find you a link to some of her pictures later this week.
The movie I saw was called Akeelah and the Bee. It stars Keke Palmer and Laurence Fishburne.
I'll be back to post soon, but tonight I am sooooooo sleepy.
Ellen Posted Dec 10, 2008
PS This is a cool link if you like Star Wars and R2D2:
Hannah-Music Posted Dec 13, 2008
movie sounds interesting any good?
tabbys are nice . i have a dog... a little daschund which is quite a friendly...
hmm, any other pets?
pick a topic...
talk to you later.
take care.
Ellen Posted Dec 15, 2008
Yes, Akeelah and the Bee was quite good. A very sweet movie.
I notice part of your name is "Music". Are you really into music? Do you play an instrument? Who's your favorite performer and/or band? Me, I like the Beatles. And anyone who sounds like the Beatles. And movie soundtracks, I tend to collect those.
Hannah-Music Posted Dec 15, 2008
whats the movie about?
and yes, very into music!! i LOVE the Beatles!! they are fantastic. i play and get cello, bass guitar and singing lessons. i just bought an accoustic/electric guitar and drum kit so im struggling to get the hang of those because im not getting lessons for them.
i love movie soundtracks too. theres a gorgeous movie called Once and i love the soundtrack to that... (
at the moment im liking older music like the beach boys and the cranberries. but i love all styles (jazz especially. as well as rock, musicals, classical, punk, and that sort of down to earth roots music and people like laura marling. oh and ben folds!)
and what about you??? (yay for the beatles. why did lennon have to get shot??
so sad...)
take care. have a lovely day.
Ellen Posted Dec 17, 2008
I don't play any instruments, but back in high school I sang alto in the choir. Singing alto was difficult, because you sang the tricky harmonies, instead of the main melody. I don't read music very well, so I would listen closely to my fellow singers!
Hmmm, who do I like besides the Beatles? Pink Floyd, Dido, Enya are some. Enya has a gorgeous voice. I like a lot of 80s pop music, like Duran Duran and The Police. As for soundtracks, I love John Williams - Star Wars, Raiders, Close Encounters, Jaws, etc - and James Horner - Titanic, Beautiful Mind - and James Newton Howard - The Village. Did I mention I like Beethoven? Very much!
Tomorrow I am going to see the movie Australia. I've heard it is a sweeping epic romance.
Ellen Posted Dec 17, 2008
Oh yes, and Akeelah and the Bee was about a little girl trying to win the national spelling bee. Good family type movie.
Hannah-Music Posted Dec 27, 2008
MERRY CHRISTMAS to you also!! what did you get up to?
i havent been on h2g2 for a while...
beethoven is very good :P being a cellist i quite like bach and the cellist yo yo ma
i love the police! and all those other bands you mentioned
and i also sing alto (used to sing soprano) but fortunatley there is an excellent singer who also sings alto i can follow!
what did you think of the movie???? i went to see it a few weeks ago... im curious to hear someone not from australias opinion
hope youre well!.
Ellen Posted Dec 31, 2008
Hiya, sorry to be so long getting back to you. I've had a stomach bug, might have been food poisoning, for a couple days. But I'm feeling much better.
I liked the movie Australia very much. Good film, good actors, wonderful sweeping vistas. Course I like most of Baz Luhrman's films anyway. I did think that the little boy rather stole the show. He was most excellent.
I had a lovely Christmas holiday, except for the getting sick afterward part. A big family party on the Eve, and then a smaller party with friends the next day. I got some monkey slippers, which I will endeavor to post.
Have you seen The Curious Case of Benjamin Button? A fantastic film, that breaks new ground in CGI. Tender, soulful, a great movie!
Hannah-Music Posted Dec 31, 2008
aww glad to hear youre feeling better!
i quite liked Austrlia (the movie). i thought the little boy was brilliant. a really good actor there are some great shots in the movie, like the sun behind the brumbies as they were running...
really nice. baz is a great director.
also glad to hear you had a good christmas monkey slippers sounds like a cool gift
get anything else interesting?
and no, i havent seen that movie.. i think its just come out. there has been so many ads for it on tv at the moment! good idea for a movie... might have to see it when i get back from holidays seen any other good movies at the moment?
take care.
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- 1: Hannah-Music (Nov 22, 2008)
- 2: Ellen (Nov 24, 2008)
- 3: Hannah-Music (Nov 30, 2008)
- 4: Ellen (Dec 2, 2008)
- 5: Hannah-Music (Dec 3, 2008)
- 6: Ellen (Dec 5, 2008)
- 7: Hannah-Music (Dec 5, 2008)
- 8: Ellen (Dec 6, 2008)
- 9: Hannah-Music (Dec 8, 2008)
- 10: Ellen (Dec 10, 2008)
- 11: Ellen (Dec 10, 2008)
- 12: Hannah-Music (Dec 13, 2008)
- 13: Ellen (Dec 15, 2008)
- 14: Hannah-Music (Dec 15, 2008)
- 15: Ellen (Dec 17, 2008)
- 16: Ellen (Dec 17, 2008)
- 17: Ellen (Dec 24, 2008)
- 18: Hannah-Music (Dec 27, 2008)
- 19: Ellen (Dec 31, 2008)
- 20: Hannah-Music (Dec 31, 2008)
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