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Ellen Posted Jan 4, 2009
Oh my! Casablanca is one of the finest films ever made. It's wonderful! It's my favorite black and white film. Ingrid Bergman is one of my favorite actresses, and she is luminous in this. And Humphrey Bogart ain't half bad either! I won't tell you the end -- go rent it.
I got some painting done tonight. I'm working on a portrait from the Wizard of Oz. It's a shot of Dorothy and Glenda the Good Witch of the North.
Hannah-Music Posted Jan 11, 2009
ill definitley have to rent it out.. still on holidays so ive got lots of free time at the moment just got back from a trip... great fun. what have you been up to?
i love the wizard of oz youll have to upload a photo of the painting when its done...
have fun.
Ellen Posted Jan 13, 2009
Been working out with my niece. That's fun. Watched the Golden Globe awards, and was thrilled that Kate Winslet got two awards.
Tell me more about your trip.
Hannah-Music Posted Jan 14, 2009
sounds fun :D i like kate winslet.. do you mean you watched them on tv? and have you seen the new movie shes in?
my trip was to an island just off Adelaide (the next state over). we spent some time in adelaide and i met up with a friend i hadnt seen or talked to for around 7 years :D great fun. then we took a boat to the island and went to some gorgeous clear beaches. held a kangaroo and a koala which was amazing. came back to adelaide a week later and i went to a great folk festival met some really nice people and awesome musicians.
hope youre well
have a good day.
Ellen Posted Jan 19, 2009
Hehehe, yes, I watched the Golden Globes on TV. I am not a movie star, that I could see them in person! I haven't seen either of Kate Winslet's new movies, The Reader, and Revolutionary Road. But I am looking forward to seeing them.
Your trip sounds absolutely fabulous! How cool!
I've been reading a book called The Alchemist. I like it, and I am going to lead a bookclub discussion on it. It's about a shepherd who goes in search of a treasure. It's a rather spiritual book, with a new age spin.
Hannah-Music Posted Jan 19, 2009
haha it would be awesome to be a movie star... :P
when you see the movies let me know if theyre any good... and i might go see them.
and yes, my trip was really nice
and ive read that book! my mum suggested it and i really liked it... is it a local book club or what? let me know what other people thought of it
have a good day.
Ellen Posted Jan 23, 2009
Yes, the book club is a local one. They seemed to enjoy The Alchemist pretty well, though a few folks found it too new agey. I had a lot of fun co-leading the group.
I had a busy week, and am looking forward to having some time to just goof off.
Hannah-Music Posted Jan 24, 2009
goofing off is the best :P
im going back to school on wednesday!
what other books has your book club looked at?
hope the weather is nice over there!.
Ellen Posted Jan 29, 2009
Some books we have read: Atonement, Wild Swans, Memoirs of a Geisha, Secret Life of Bees, The Davinci Code. All those were pretty darn good.
Have you rented Casablanca yet?
The weather is cold and icy. Not good, unless you are a kid and like the snow. I've been staying inside, and staying warm.
I've been painting on the big abstract for my sister. Edging closer and closer to finishing.
Hannah-Music Posted Feb 7, 2009
whats your favourite book?
and no, i havent just been wayyyyy too busy! but i will when i get a chance
i wish it was cold and icy here!!! its been between 40C and 45C for the past week pretty much.. tomorrow its suppose to get to 47C!
i love the snow and the cold :P youre so lucky.
oh nice whats the painting of?
take care! nice to hear form you.
Ellen Posted Feb 9, 2009
Gee whiz, I have lots and lots and lots of books. Don't think I could pick a favorite, but my art books come out at the top. There is one called Masters of Deception: Escher, Dali, and the Artists of Optical Illusion. It has the most wonderful paintings, I guess that is my favorite.
I'll try and post my painting online for you to take a look. *Be right back*
Ellen Posted Feb 9, 2009
there you go, hope the link works
Hannah-Music Posted Feb 11, 2009
escher, dali and magritte are my favourite artists! escher was one of the first artists i was completely drawn into. and dali has some amazing works... his painting style is so realistic and complex... (i dont know how to explain it exactly.) theres a really cool ephemeral artist called Andy Goldsworthy.. you should see some of his stuff. its all made form things in nature that he hasnt altered (sort of confusing to explain) and it only lasts around a day (most of it) its increadable
and your painting is gorgeous!! i love it! youre so talented. is it finished?
youll have to keep me updated with future works... id love to see more of them... theyre really nice.
take care. and how are you?
Ellen Posted Feb 16, 2009
Aww, thanks hun! Yes, it's pretty much finished, except that I have to paint all the edges black. I will indeed continue to post my artwork here for you to see. Next up is a Wizard of Oz painting, and then maybe one of the Yellow Submarine, for a friend.
I'm glad we like a lot of the same artists.
I've been a bit stressed lately with family matters, but not too badly stressed. This weekend was enjoyable. I watched WALL-E on DVD. And I bought a book called Twilight.
How are you doing, and what have you been up to?
Hannah-Music Posted Feb 27, 2009
no worries and cant wait to see the wizard of oz one! (and yellow submarine!!! :P)
aw, hope everythings ok.... hope the family things get sorted out.
and i love hte WALL-E movie! i watched it the other day.. its really really good
twilight was pretty huge here.. do u like the book? have you seen the movie?
ive been really good thanks. got my Learners licence on Monday so im starting to drive (Im going very slowly at the moment ) and went out on a date tonight :P thats all thats been happening really
just A LOT of school work!
take care!
Ellen Posted Mar 2, 2009
Hi! I just finished that book Twilight. And loved it!
It's been snowing here, and I have a slight cold.
Ah ha, learning to drive, that a big deal! Have fun, be careful, wear your seatbelt, yada yada...
Hannah-Music Posted Mar 3, 2009
hahaha thanks for the advice!
and aww, hope you get better...
its been average temperature here and i have a cold
do you like the book or movie better?
get better soon!
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- 21: Ellen (Jan 1, 2009)
- 22: Hannah-Music (Jan 2, 2009)
- 23: Ellen (Jan 4, 2009)
- 24: Hannah-Music (Jan 11, 2009)
- 25: Ellen (Jan 13, 2009)
- 26: Hannah-Music (Jan 14, 2009)
- 27: Ellen (Jan 19, 2009)
- 28: Hannah-Music (Jan 19, 2009)
- 29: Ellen (Jan 23, 2009)
- 30: Hannah-Music (Jan 24, 2009)
- 31: Ellen (Jan 29, 2009)
- 32: Hannah-Music (Feb 7, 2009)
- 33: Ellen (Feb 9, 2009)
- 34: Ellen (Feb 9, 2009)
- 35: Ellen (Feb 9, 2009)
- 36: Hannah-Music (Feb 11, 2009)
- 37: Ellen (Feb 16, 2009)
- 38: Hannah-Music (Feb 27, 2009)
- 39: Ellen (Mar 2, 2009)
- 40: Hannah-Music (Mar 3, 2009)
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