This is the Message Centre for good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589)

good plan!!!

Post 101


smiley - blush
Why thank you, you're both too kind.
Though I can't really take credit for it - people have been telling me that all my life - usually in raised voices.
As for shortening it, I have no idea. Maybe I should hold a competition. Whaddya guys reckon?

good plan!!!

Post 102

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

how about e82, just to further confuse people smiley - winkeye
IM[SoP] - I never know whether to include the second half

good plan!!!

Post 103

Ming Mang

e82? Wouldn't that be 82 electrons? smiley - winkeye


good plan!!!

Post 104


Are you positive?

good plan!!!

Post 105

Ming Mang

No. smiley - winkeye


good plan!!!

Post 106

good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589)

this could just be me being blonde, but is there some pun i'm missing there?

good plan!!!

Post 107

Ming Mang

easilyPb's name Jen. smiley - smiley Pb is lead. Periodic table. smiley - winkeye


good plan!!!

Post 108

IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system

I did say that it was to confuse people! smiley - winkeye

good plan!!!

Post 109

good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589)

ah yes, i see it all now.

good plan!!!

Post 110


Is that the sound of your sides splitting I hear?

good plan!!!

Post 111

Ming Mang

*checks her sides for splits*
*find no splits*
*not even in her t-shirt!*


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