This is the Message Centre for good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589)
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 1, 2001
foolish and stupid in an amount that might be calle dextreme.
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 1, 2001
agreeing in an amount that minght be called entirely. i wouldn't trust that elk over there.
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 1, 2001
thats what they all say
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 4, 2001
well, that conversation petered out. new topic: should all shopping trolleys be released from captitivty?
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 4, 2001
well, that conversation petered out. new topic: should all shopping trolleys be released from captitivty?
good plan!!!
Ming Mang Posted Oct 5, 2001
Only if they want to be.
Of course, if they were all released, we'd face the problem of crazed shopping trolleys crashing into people's homes in hope of some shopping...
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 7, 2001
this of course, is a point of view.
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 11, 2001
its better that way.
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 14, 2001
ming, i am here to warn you. the district fellows have doubts as to your loyalty and enthusiasm. you missed a good film on friday.
good plan!!!
Ming Mang Posted Oct 14, 2001
I have doubts too...
Anyway, that wasn't my fault, that was because of a slight mix up with orchestra and food. Sorry about that.
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 14, 2001
thats ok. do you not feel positive or groovy about the situation? thats sad. one should always feel both these things. will you help me set up my denial club?
good plan!!!
Ming Mang Posted Oct 15, 2001
No, I don't really. I don't know why... It is sad, I wanted to continue with WoodCraft. I don't know if I'm going to stop or not.
I really don't know.
Oh well.
Denial club? Sure.
What is a denial club?
good plan!!!
good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) Posted Oct 15, 2001
not sure yet, come see what i've done, i forget the link but you can get there from my page.
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good plan!!!
- 21: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 1, 2001)
- 22: Ming Mang (Oct 1, 2001)
- 23: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 1, 2001)
- 24: Ming Mang (Oct 1, 2001)
- 25: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 1, 2001)
- 26: Ming Mang (Oct 2, 2001)
- 27: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 2, 2001)
- 28: Ming Mang (Oct 2, 2001)
- 29: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 4, 2001)
- 30: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 4, 2001)
- 31: Ming Mang (Oct 5, 2001)
- 32: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 7, 2001)
- 33: Ming Mang (Oct 8, 2001)
- 34: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 11, 2001)
- 35: Ming Mang (Oct 12, 2001)
- 36: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 14, 2001)
- 37: Ming Mang (Oct 14, 2001)
- 38: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 14, 2001)
- 39: Ming Mang (Oct 15, 2001)
- 40: good plan (not a member of the denial club at A638589) (Oct 15, 2001)
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