This is the Message Centre for EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 1

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

It's once again time to plug some the comics and sketches I've been doing: - ALE 10 Zombies: can't live with 'em, can't shewt 'em. - ALE 11 The description under the comic is important. - ALE 12 Likewise - ALE 13 Death becomes him ALE 14 What's up with McDonalds? ALE 15 Happy Turkey Day! ALE 16 You got to have a heart before you can have an attack. - UPM 13 School can be scary - Sketch: Mister Eight returns Sketch: "My name is Ozymandias, King of kings" Sketch: Evil gets his groove back Sketch: I honestly don't remember what this picture is of.


Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 2


I dont really care too much for apathy..EvilClaw, but go to and read the blogs "The Daily Truth" by Jack Marx, particularly "Just ask the Pope", and see if I care.."Apathy, Apathy..Where for art thou, Apathy"

Hang on a sec, Willie didn't write that!

He went "MacApathy, MacApathy, Where for art thou, my Big MacApathy with a Big MacApathy Meal Deal..and would you like extra fries with that,MacApathy?"

Have a nice day, Sir MacApathy, and enjoy your Pepsi, Willie

smiley - cheers and yes, we are all mad in Oz! Its due to the lack of Apathy

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 3

Vauxhaul Astra

You sure are busy.

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 4

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

That... wasn't particularly about my comics...

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 5


Apologies to you EC...I was just a bit envious of your ability to draw and sketch, so I tried a smiley - silly posting. Do you draw cartoons for a hobby, or as a job? I couldn't draw a straight line, maybe that is why I admire your stuff and art in general...smiley - cheers

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 6

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

I draw cartoons as a hobby job! smiley - ok

Mostly for fun but my college paper pays me for some smiley - winkeye

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 7


thats it something you want to make a career of? what are you studying at college, if you don't mind me asking?..smiley - cheers

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 8

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

I think he's doing "getting people to pay you to lie to them" or journalism or something.

Oh and I'll go comment on them when I can be bothered EC. I like them all except the last one which I'm kind of ambivalent towards

smiley - cheers

Update of Apathetic Proportions!

Post 9

EvilClaw: The Catmanthing

Journalism be correct, matey. smiley - pirate Comicing is really just something I do for fun that I've somehow managed to get the newspaper to pay me for.

That last drawing was a request TB, for the winner of the rescript contest smiley - biggrin

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