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Saving humanity with one bag of platelets at a time
Posted Jun 15, 2012
So, apheresis, aka donating platelets - what a doddle!
The machine you get hooked up to looks like a dialysis machine and it's a similar procedure. As it was my first time I got to take it easy with a 45 minute session (the average time is usually last 80-90 minutes). Today I gave plasma and platelets, but they can also take full donations to include red blood cells.
The procedure is very similar to a normal blood donation in that they stick a needle in your arm and make you comfy, but this time the blood's routed through a big machine and the stuff they want is harvested into another bag while the blood is returned back into the body. Everything is on show and for those of us that aren't squeamish, it's quite fun to watch the whole process happen right there in front of you!
The best bit though is that instead of moving into the little canteen bit for tea and biscuits, the staff bring you a big plate of nice things with a mug of your preferred beverage. They even unwrap the biccies as you're not allowed to move your arm - luxury! They also have wifi at the Edinburgh centre so next time I might just take the laptop in and blog live
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Latest reply: Jun 15, 2012
Posted Jun 4, 2012
At the risk of sounding like an old lady, but at the grand old age of 31 I'm really starting to get into my gardening. It's awesome reaping the fruits (and veg) of your harvest and nurturing plants you've grown from scratch
I'm almost finished drying out my first crop of basil leaves from plants I've grown from seed. I've dried herbs before from supermarket plants, but my home grown ones smell absolutely amazing My pepper plants are nice and healthy, my pea plants look like they'll flower soon and I've even managed to grow some courgette plants
This is fun!
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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2012
Posted Jun 4, 2012
At the risk of sounding like an old lady at the grand old age of 31, I'm really starting to get into my gardening. It's awesome reaping the fruits (and veg) of your harvest and nurturing plants you've grown from scratch
I'm almost finished drying out my first crop of basil leaves from plants I've grown from seed. I've dried herbs before from supermarket plants, but my home grown ones smell absolutely amazing My pepper plants are nice and healthy, my pea plants look like they'll flower soon and I've even managed to grow some courgette plants
This is fun!
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Latest reply: Jun 4, 2012
Posted May 24, 2012
Well, that's season 8 of House over and done with. It was a nice ending but I still think they should have stopped at the end of season 7 with him walking off into the sunset.
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Latest reply: May 24, 2012
Where's mah Brunel skin?!
Posted May 10, 2012
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Latest reply: May 10, 2012
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