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A very serious dilemma
Posted Jan 2, 2012
I need your help guys. I have to make a very important decision and I just can't do it alone....
I can't decide whether to finish off the Baileys or crack open the wine. Please help
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Latest reply: Jan 2, 2012
Real life fails
Posted Dec 2, 2011
So much for getting back into hootoo when it went live again....damn you Assassin's Creed/Skyrim/WoW patch 4.3 for taking up my valuable time
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Latest reply: Dec 2, 2011
Woo hoo!
Posted Oct 17, 2011
h2g2 3.0 is up and running! I'm really excited to be here and look forward to the madness
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Latest reply: Oct 17, 2011
Looking forward to the future
Posted Oct 1, 2011
My life changed forever the day I joined h2g2; I have met most of my closest friends here and I also ended up married to a fellow researcher. h2g2 therefore holds many memories for me and this incarnation will always hold a place in my heart. As sad as I am that the BBC is letting h2g2 go, I'm also very excited about its new home and think we have given our wonderful community a new lease of life.
I've also been asked if I'd like to be a Guru, which I have accepted, so if any of you 'orrible lot get stuck with the new site just give me a poke
So long BBC servers, and thanks for all the fish
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Latest reply: Oct 1, 2011
Why do people love Apple products so much?
Posted Sep 24, 2011
I mean, really?
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Latest reply: Sep 24, 2011
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."