Journal Entries

One year ago today...

...EV and I got married smiley - magic

Wow, how time flies when you're having fun! Standing there in my wedding dress four months pregnant was very nerve-wracking as you can imagine, but one adorable baby and happy year of marriage later it's been totally worth it. smiley - smiley

Our wedding day didn't turn out exactly as planned, but hey, we're in the SRG smiley - evilgrin I don't mind missing out on getting married abroad as our wedding day was a lovely day and everyone had a great time at the reception so that's all that matters. And our honeymoons were fantastic!

I can't wait for this evening cos I'm getting taken out somewhere nice for dinner...smiley - loveblush

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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2007

This is what happens when a public institution gets privatised...

...or something!

On phoning up a certain national phone company that ain't the cable one, I asked for a phone book.

"What do you want a phone book for?", asks the girl.

"Ehm, because I don't have one", I reply, thinking of lots of sarcastic things to say but keeping my mouth shut cos I don't want to be too troublesome.

Now, is it just me or..?

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Latest reply: Sep 3, 2007

Not so much a journal entry as a ramble...

You know, I wish life were so much simpler. Today we bought an all in one modem/router as having a USB ADSL modem and a normal router doesn't work. Unfortunately the bloody thing won't work and despite our broadband connection being on (I'm using it with said USB modem as I type) the troubleshooter is insisting that our net connection is non-existent smiley - rolleyes. So I'm waiting on a phonecall back from those middens so they can help me get it working - if it's going to work. Maybe we should have just bought the one our ISP offered us? smiley - erm

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Latest reply: Aug 29, 2007

I keep dreaming of Jeremy Clarkson... me!

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Latest reply: Aug 15, 2007

Whair's the burds?

Fighting in my mum's garden, so it happens!

We live in a fairly rural area and my mum lives in an old farming village, so I've seen lots of wildlife and its happenings as I've grown up. However, tonight was a first even for us.

My mum and I were standing in the kitchen and looking into the back garden when a kestral landed - with a young blackbird in its claws. The poor wee thing wasn't dead and we could hear its cries, when all of a sudden mum and dad blackbird and started swooping the kestral! The kestral just stood there and looked right at all of us (by then we'd shouted everyone through to the kitchen) as if to say 'yeah, and?'. It finally got fed up of being swooped at and took off, with the blackies in hot pursuit, while we just stood there going 'wow! How mad was that?'. You really don't see a sight like that every day!

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Latest reply: Jul 22, 2007

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