Journal Entries

Lowering the tone...

I have a bruise on my knee in the shape of a willy and two nadgers smiley - evilgrin

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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2007

The Edinburgh Cat and Dog Home

For a while now we've been thinking of getting a dog; we both prefer them to cats, Jenny would have great fun rolling around on the floor with a dog and all that walking would help me lose some weight smiley - smiley So we paid a visit to the cat and dog home to find out more.

On our arrival we get to witness some ned dumping his two dogs in their reception - what an introduction! But the staff who handled it were superb and soon had him chased off the premises before he became to abusive. We then got shown round the kennels and had a nice chat with one of the staff. There were some beautiful animals but I did notice that most of them seemed to be Staffies, poor little buggers. However, we fell in love with a collie/black lab cross and it was soooo hard walking away from her!

After an informal chat with them it seems fairly easy to adopt one of their charges and they even digitally tag them for you! They also seemed keen to make sure you would be a suitable owner and have a good human-dog getting to know you process. We really enjoyed our time there and although we're going to wait a little while before we get a dog I can't wait to go back there and pick one smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Oct 3, 2007

It's my real birthday today...

...just thought I'd mention it smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Sep 27, 2007

New beginnings

A lot has happened to me in the last few years - I got married, had a gorgeous little baby girl and have recently moved into a lovely new house.

I'm content to do the housewife thing for now but as it's simply not possible these days for mums to stay at home with the kids while daddy earns the pennies, I've already started to plan ahead and think about what I'll be doing when I go back to work.

So, carrying on with the theme of new beginnings, I've decided to take the plunge with a career I've thought about for many years - I'm going to train as a midwife!

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Latest reply: Sep 17, 2007


If I had my way I would be more than happy to just keep my money under the pillow..

This morning I nipped down to the garage to fill the car up (our car isn't exactly petrol hungry but when that red light comes on it's not happy!) and decided to get the debit card out. I stuck it in the machine and it declined twice. Odd, I thought, there definitely should be money in the bank account. Luckily my sister's boyfriend was behind me in the queue and had a spare tenner!

So I phoned the folk who were paying us money today and they confirmed they'd done so. I then phoned the bank to be told the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time - their entire computer system had gone down. Effectively, any transactions happening today have been frozen and until they get their systems sorted we don't get our money. No apology, no nothing.


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Latest reply: Sep 14, 2007

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