Journal Entries
New entries - fire and water
Posted Aug 3, 2002
I'm working on an entry on the History of Matches. If I'm going to get a reputation for entries on fire-making, I may as well make a good job of it.
The research for this has been interesting, particularly the social history part.
I also want to do one on Captain Matthew Webb. Must make sure there's not one already.
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Latest reply: Aug 3, 2002
Leadership (3)
Posted Jul 28, 2002
So, I've finished the course. Thoughts. I need to listen more actively. I need to understand projection more and deal with it. I need to be more courageous in dealing with people and tell them stuff they need to hear, without being afraid of their reactions. They hand it out and I should be less sensitive.
So, the types of projection I have to deal with, not being valued, being bullied, (this from someone who herself can be a bully, not just to me, but to other people). Also that often a woman manager faces opposition from other women (the 'who does she think she is' syndrome) and that other people's criticism can deskill you.
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Latest reply: Jul 28, 2002
Posted Jul 13, 2002
I went on a three day leadership course this week.
It reminded me of who I am and that I sometimes allow the wood to get in the way of the trees.
My job is to get work done and trying to be all things to all people, and failing, is not particularly helping. Not everyone likes me. I know this, and I should be comfortable about it. My job is not to be liked, it is to get the work done.
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Latest reply: Jul 13, 2002
Leadership course
Posted Jul 11, 2002
I'n the second say of a six day leadership course for women.
Interesting to see other people's experience of leadership.
Need to be braver and more direct with my lot. Trying always not to tread on toes is sometimes not the best way. I may never be liked by some of them and that's OK.
My job is to get the work done.
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Latest reply: Jul 11, 2002
Qi Gong
Posted Jun 29, 2002
Attended a festival today and did a couple of sessions of qi gong. Did it under trees, which was really nice.
Youngster made headgear out of cardboard, while I did it.
At the end, they paid me. I do this sort of thing for enjoyment.
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Latest reply: Jun 29, 2002
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