Journal Entries

Wanted: a father!

Son (aged 6 3/4): I want a father and lots of brothers and sisters.

Me: What sort of a father do you want, apart from a kind one?

Son: A loving one.

Me: Do you want someone who's fun or someone who's serious?

Son; I want someone who's fun and serious.

Me: Anything else?

Son: One who will bring us lots of food.

Me: Hmm.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: Jun 28, 2002


Got a letter today, addressed to Angleterre. Guessed it was from a friend in Paris.

Just as I was opening it, I got the impression that it might contain an invitation to stay. I've never been asked previously. Bingo, right on the nose. She's not only invited me, but my parents as well.

Intuition working overtime, there.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: May 25, 2002


Stuff to do, oh the amount of it.

For h2g2, the Uni entry on credit and debt, a uni entry (probably) on folk customs, and entry on mindfulness, one on firewalking.

How come that some entries (like the one on Chislehurst Caves) are so easy to do? Well, I've been there recently, so I suppose that's a spur.

Then the non-h2g2 stuff. Clear the clutter, chuck out the junk, weed and tidy the garden, mow the lawn, sort out the conservatory, put in an outdoor fountain, do the ironing, finish and paint the window frames, tidy up the doorstep, exercise more regularly, meditate more, write letters to people, practice my t'ai chi more, take my son bike riding, roller skating, swimming.

No wonder I'm so tired.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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Latest reply: May 8, 2002

Tarot reading and LETS

Spent a full day yesterday at a LETS day doing tarot readings. First time I'd done them for people other than friends. Big queues for me, much to my surprise. Surprising how many people had the same cards turning up in both spreads, and sometimes in the same position.

Met a friend I'd lost touch with and another psychic.

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Latest reply: Mar 17, 2002

World Debt

This is a really interesting entry. Lots and lots of information. How best to structure with the new information included. Can it be simplified? Definitely something I feel strongly about. Learning as I go along.

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Latest reply: Mar 14, 2002

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