This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Happy Easter!

Post 121

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Hi AR1 smiley - schooloffish!

Just seen this. Yes, it is some while since I heard from you and I was wondering how you were. I'm sorry to hear you have hearing problems. Must be distressing and it cuts you off from your friends (and from your not-friends too!). I do hope you get sorted out with something suitable. smiley - rose

Me, I've had my ups and downs. A touch of cystitis, which isn't pleasant, otherwise OK.

We're going to France for the day again, with a valid passport this time and little smiley - fish how has his own. Luckily, we haven't been charged extra for our tickets as I thought they might bump up the price as May onwards is classed as high season. smiley - biggrin

I went to the osteopath because - do you know - I can't remember! It was good to see her, though as i could tell her about my man.

I've had need for the reiki today. This morning, I was going into the loft to put back a sleeping bag and the loft ladder shot down and hit me on the head. I considered jumping backwards and decided against it as there are stairs just behind the very small landing and I think falling backwards downstairs would have been worse than getting hit on the head. So I turned my head and got hit in the temple and on top of my head. Boy did it hurt. I put my hand on it and then phoned my man to send extra reiki. Seemed to work. It came up in a lump, but came down really quickly. The I found a bit on my cheekbone that hurt that I hadn't been treating. The head is still a bit sore, but I'm sure the reiki has helped enormously.

We have also sorted out one of the outside areas and it's now a lot clearer. He worked really hard on this while I made some food for us.

Happy birthday for the 23rd. Where's Cap Gris Nez (grey nose!)? Could you not take K or is he not yet fit to travel?

Much smiley - love to you!

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Happy Easter!

Post 122

Also ran 1

My very dear Zarquhon smiley - fish?smiley - musicalnote

I notice that I must have forgotten to post my reply to you. I was really horrified at the horrid accident that you had with the attic. I hope that you have recovered and are not suffering any after effects.
so glad your Man came to the rescue and helped.
it is such fun arranging the party and thank you for all that you are doing for it. I found out today who the Blues Brothers were!!. |Iam learning a lot.

I must fly.

Again my apologies for not having replied before.

Incidentally Cap Gris Nez is just above Boulogne-sur-mer and is where the cross channel swimmers start and finish their cross channel swims. It is a beautiful situation. right on the Channel and the food is excellent.The restaurant is called La Sirene. Unfortunately K. is not well enough to do anything like that.

With smiley - love

AR1 smiley - schooloffish

Was it a happy one, AR!?

Post 123

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Dear AR1smiley - schooloffish

I missed your party in real time, but then I see, so did you! Is everything OK?

Did you enjoy our own real time celebrations? What did you do?

I had a headache for quite some time after the loft ladder incident - a most unpleasant experience!

Did you know that when divers explored the real Titanic and had two small but very expensive swimming robots explore the inside, they called them Jake and Elwood (or did I put that in the party preparation thread?)?

I'm off to the Isle of Wight from tomorrow to visit my parents. We haven't seen them since Christmas.

Lots of smiley - love

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

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