This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!
So thrilled with your news
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Feb 23, 2003
Thank you AR1.
I feel I am very fortunate to have met him. I think I will grow with him and that we have a good deal to teach one another. For me, being able to express my feelings openly and learning to listen properly are things I'm appreciating. I'm learning to be more patient (in many ways I am very patient and in others quite impatient), to live in the moment more and to be less anxious about the future. I don't know what the future holds for us, and for the moment, I'm reasonably happy in the not knowing. I feel that we will always be good friends and that is important to me.
He came over yesterday and we spent some time reading together and discussing the text, which was a really nice thing to do.
You sound to have wonderful memories of Dick. How many years ago was it since you lost him?
I'm confused about this sentence, 'My eldest son has been out from London and has spent the last four hours trying to tidy and put straight what he brother did when he was with the birds. It is quite incredible what they do - and what they think is happening.' Tell me more.
I really do hope that you have turned the corner and that you will go from strength to strength.
I hope your weekend was as good as mine and that you have a great week. With
So thrilled with your news
Also ran 1 Posted Feb 25, 2003
Hi dearest Zarquhon
So pleased you had a happy time with your loved one.
About the sentence. My darling K. moves every single item of furniture in his maisonette. Other things he has done are putting a CD and a filing card alternately between every note on the piano. He unplugs the phone, moves pictures around, furniture around. One is quite dizzy at the end of it. anyway, M. my eldest son tried to tidy up the maisonette and in the process filled my large Renault Savannah and also his car with old furniture, washing lines, etc. I had no means to going to the tip so this morning the very nice rubbish removal men kindly emptied my car of the debris and crunched it all up in the huge machine.What nice people they were.
Darling Dick and I met in 1970. I had had a real heartbreak as my spouse had gone off with a lass five years older than our daughter. D's wife had tragically killed herself We met, both refusing and not wanting to have anytrhing to do with the other sex. The result was sixteen years of perfect companionship. I did not want to get married again but as he had a high position, once I had graduated I was sort of obliged to do it. I think that my most productive and useful years of my life were when I was with Dick. He was a really remarkable man and truly I know I could not find another one like him.
We travelled a lot whilst we wee together and shared such happy memoreis. So I wish you much happiness and joy with your new love.
At the moment life is a bit hilly - one day fine and the next day not so good. Hopefully it will begin to stabilise and I can try and raise myself out of thie mire of sadness.
With fond
So thrilled with your news
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Feb 26, 2003
Dear AR1.
Ah. Some type of obsessive behaviour. Sounds quite difficult to deal with - and time intensive - and probably repeated. Yes, it was kind of the men at the tip to help in this way. I've often found how kind some people can be. Often, it's as a result your your (one's) having expected it. If you think people are going to be helpful, often they are, and vice versa.
Dick sounds to have been lovely and a real soulmate. As you know, I have had a couple of false starts. My ex-husband went off with a woman five years older than me, then there was little 's father , which experience left me very wary of getting involved with anyone. This relationship is not like the others. I'm not sure where it is leading, however it is interesting and exciting and has the potential for growth, which is important to me.
We are talking about writing a book together and maybe doing some coaching and workshop facilitation. I am a reasonably good facilitator. I've not learned about coaching, however I believe it is something I could do with some training.
I hope the days get better and better for you.
With much and
So thrilled with your news
Also ran 1 Posted Mar 1, 2003
Very dear Zarquhon
Well I wonder if you are happily working out what tasks you are going to do with your loved one. It sounds so interesting to work together on a book.
You know the adage "Third time lucky". It could well be that, but in the meantime just get to know one another and enjoy and learn about one another.
Unfortunately all the beautiful plans of getting him into the London hospital came to nothing so I am still trying to be nurse/monitor/mother/cook/etc. ec. Getting quite adept at some of them!!.
I went out for a little while today. The patio garden is looking so good. It is giving me a lot of pleasure.
Hope your parents are well.
Much affectionate
So thrilled with your news
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Mar 2, 2003
Hi AR1
He's not well at the moment - coldish, fluish thing. It's interesting how different people deal with being under the weather. He needs lots of care and attention. I guess you know all about this. We'll start thinking about joint work when he's feeling better.
I shall be going on a reiki course with him in April, which is something I'm very much looking forward to.
I can't get out into my back garden at the moment as the conservatory door is swollen and I daren't use force otherwise the whole thing will come crashing down.
My parents are doing well. Dad is still not fully up to par, but improving slowly.
My very best wishes to you, dear AR1.
So thrilled with your news
Also ran 1 Posted Mar 6, 2003
Very dear Zarquhon
Just a quick note to let you know that K. was admitted on \Monday. I have been catching up ever since and today and tomorrow am spoiling myself. Will write at the w/d. Hope His Nibs is better from his flu. I am sure you were a super nurse!.
So thrilled with your news
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Mar 6, 2003
Dear AR1
His Nibs is better - I am worse. Sore throat, headachey, achey muscles, dizzy. how is His Nibs being - gringy and whiny. I tell him I'm not well, and he can hear me coughing and sneezing. Makes no difference to him.
So, you have some time for yourself! Enjoy it. I am seeing my Best Beloved on Friday, which I am looking forward to. He has been very supportive while I have been off-colour, which is lovely.
Fond to you.
Forgive the silence
Also ran 1 Posted Mar 16, 2003
Hi honey,
So sorry you have also got zee flu.
the last week has been dreadful. We are seeing the great man on Tuesday. I hope that I shall have good news then and can return slowly to a more normal life.
Forgive the silence
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Mar 16, 2003
Hi AR1!
I have been off work last week with the 'flu, back Friday, but still feeling very poorly. I have a cough and painful sinuses and my eyes are hot and puffy feeling. There's a lot of it about. My love has it now, too.
I was most lucky that last week, he came and looked after me, took little to and from school and that was really helpful.
So Tuesday is the great day? Was last week dreadful because of K and his condition or were you not well as well?
lots of s.
Forgive the silence
Also ran 1 Posted Mar 30, 2003
Hi my sweetie
It seems ages since we talked. Lastweek, and this week have been dreadful because of K. I am JUST surviving, but wonder how much longer I can cope before there is a bed available for him. Tonight he has gone to sleep in his house with all the lights not working. I wonder what he was up to trying to fix. I only hope that it is a fuse.
It seems tragic that there is such a long wait for the correct attention. It was on Jan. 19th that things started happening and we are now nearly into April.
Anyway, I hope that you have all recovered from the flu. and that you continue to make progress with your loved one. Dick and I met in 1970. We decided to live together for three years (whilst I got my undergraduate degree at the age of 46) and then we were married for ten year before he died in 1986. So basically we had sixteen years together. Years which I shall always treasure.
Forgive the silence
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Mar 30, 2003
Hi AR1
Ouch! What a long time to be waiting to sort out K - and for you to be having to cope without a great deal of help. Do you get any at all? Have you any indication of when a bed will become available? What happens to him if you fail to cope? My wishes and thoughts are with you that you will get the help you need soon.
I have recovered from the 'flu - just. I was off work for over two weeks and I have only just begun to feel human again. It was my beloved's birthday on Saturday, so we went to Kew Gardens, taking my son and the daughter of one of my friends, whose house was being renovated. It would have been nice to have had some quiet time together, but it was not to be. In the event, we had a pleasant enough time.
We seem to be getting close and he told me this evening that it felt like a life-long thing. I also feel this way. There are some things which need to be sorted out before we could think of moving in together - it may well happen, but it is much too soon at this stage. I think it is important not to rush things and to enjoy the moments as they happen. Who knows, perhaps we may be as happy as you and Dick.
I am doing a reiki course next weekend (4-6 April) and he will be assisting at the course, which is wonderful. I am really looking forward to it. In the morning of the Friday, I am having a Human Design reading done, and again that is exciting. In the reading, I should find out a bit more about how my design reacts with his and that of my son. Are you familiar with any of this?
Forgive the silence
Also ran 1 Posted Mar 31, 2003
Very dear Zarquhon
How good to know that life goes on and that you are beginning to feel that you can share your life with someone with whom you have great compatibility and interests.
I am not familiar with the Design that you are talking about. what is it?
Forgive the silence
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Mar 31, 2003
Hi AR1
Yes, we do seem very compatible. Not only emotionally, physically and mentally, but spiritually as well, which is wonderful. At one time, we compared notes - we both wrote out a list of qualities we wanted in a partner - and spiritual was top of the list for both of us. Apparently, he even wrote one about liking Star Trek, and I meet that as well - although I don't think I'm as big a fan as he is. At present, I'm not taking anything for granted.
Human Design - here's a link, which probably says more than I can -
Have a look and tell me what you think if you like.
Sending you and blessings.
Forgive the silence
Also ran 1 Posted Apr 3, 2003
Thank you my dear
I have just filled in the form and will see what follows.
So glad things are going well for you. When one is in crisis one tends to forget that there are other people living a life which is happy and contented,
Enjoy it my dear and I shall let you know the outcome of your Human Design.
Forgive the silence
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 3, 2003
Hi AR1
Yes, I know all about feeling that everyone else is normal while I'm struggling. I seem to be leaving that phase now, but it's still close enough to remember. (I'm not comparing us, mind - your challenges sound to be rather more than mine were. Could be, of course, that they're just different.) I'm still holding you in my thoughts.
I'll be interested to hear what you turn out to be. I am a generator (the most common) with only two centres defined - solar plexus and sacrum, so I'm a very open person. My attributes are 2/4. You'll see what this is when you get your chart. I'll be interested to know what you turn out to be. Little is also a 2/4, but he is a manifesting generator, with all centres except two defined. Only his identity and will (I think) remain undefined.
My love is a projector, again with only two centres defined - root and spleen. Tomorrow when I have my reading, I'll find out a bit more about how I relate to other types and what my particular pattern means. I'll be staying in a hotel overnight, so I'll be off-line until at least Monday.
I'll let you know how the weekend turns out. I am *so* looking forward to it.
Much and
Happy Easter!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 18, 2003
Oh, I missed your reply here, AR1
I think I've said elsewhere that I had a great time at the Reiki weekend. Did I say the bit about acting like a five year old? Buying ice-cream (actually Haagen Das) - a bit more upmarket than I would have had as a five year old. Actually I wanted a knickerbocker glory, but I don't know that they do these any more! Then going back to the hotel and jumping up and down on the bed - hit my head on the light fitting!
I wanted to do roley poley down the hill, but there aren't many grassy hills in central London, and as someone later pointed out, there might have been dog poo on.
We're going to France for the day this weekend. Leaving this evening, arriving in Le Havre at 7.00am and coming back at 3.30pm. We'll get home around half past midnight, if the connections go well. little will be dead on his feet! I may have to carry him on the last leg from the station to here - and it's all uphill!
Have a very, very happy Easter, dear AR1
Happy Easter!
Also ran 1 Posted Apr 24, 2003
Very dear Zarquhon
I am sorry that I have not replied before but I have not been overactive on the computer.
Spo glad to have a personal account of your Reiki8 weekend. Sounds grand even if you di8d hit your head on the light fitting. I am glasd that someone warned you about dog-poo when you were tempted to go roley-poley!!. I think that it is a very civilised thing for dog-lovers to go around with their poop-scoops and plastic bags to dispose of their pet's natural products. If only everyone could be so thoughtful.
I am very very gradually optimistic. the last few days have been really happy ones with K. gradually becoming more and more like his old self, and actually saying that he feels better and much younger. It is really a great thrill.
I seem to remember that you could not get to France because of passport difficulties. I also had the same problem, but it is because we are not yet part of the common market., Once we are there will be no trouble. But it must have been a dreadful disappointment.
Much affectionate to you
Happy Easter!
Zarquon's Singing Fish! Posted Apr 24, 2003
Hi AR!
I've just got home, on the way sorting out the passport applications. Apparently, even though we're in the Common Market, we still need to show passports, or at least carry them with us. So it's just cost me £62 for the two. Yes, little was very disappointed. He cried at the ferry port. We were lucky to get back that night. Lucky we got an early train there and arrived an hour earlier than planned.
I appreciate people who use pooper scoopers too. I almost want to go up to them and say 'Well done'., but don't in case it sounds patronising.
So, K is feeling like his old self? Good. Both of you sound happier because of it.
I have a homeopath appointment this afternoon for both myself and little , so I decided to take the afternoon off 1) to deal with the passport application and 2) to give myself time to get to the homeopath's without too much strain - having strolling time as my BB calls it.
Happy Easter!
Also ran 1 Posted May 7, 2003
Very dear Zarquhon
Sorry I have not replied before.My telephone line for my computer has gone on the blink and I have to do an elaborate set up in order to be able to get on line.
You have not given me much news of yourself lately. Are you well, and why did you have to go to the osteopath?
How is the Reiki going? and how is your friend doing?
I am going to be 75 on the 23rd May. I was going to take friends and family to a lunch party in France at cap Gris Nez, but have had to cancel it because I cannot leave K. His is slowly getting better but I would hate to leave him.
Have been having great fun in the garden planting, and planning. I wonder if my dahlias are going to be as spectacular this year as they were last year? I think not.
I must fly now. I have a tiler ocming to tile the bathroom floor and also part of the kitchen tomorrow. And have someone coming in to check my ears for new hearing aids. The ones I have are quite useless and I cannot distinguish the sounds people make when they speak. Very annoying for all concerned.
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So thrilled with your news
- 101: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Feb 23, 2003)
- 102: Also ran 1 (Feb 25, 2003)
- 103: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Feb 26, 2003)
- 104: Also ran 1 (Mar 1, 2003)
- 105: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Mar 2, 2003)
- 106: Also ran 1 (Mar 6, 2003)
- 107: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Mar 6, 2003)
- 108: Also ran 1 (Mar 16, 2003)
- 109: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Mar 16, 2003)
- 110: Also ran 1 (Mar 30, 2003)
- 111: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Mar 30, 2003)
- 112: Also ran 1 (Mar 31, 2003)
- 113: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Mar 31, 2003)
- 114: Also ran 1 (Apr 3, 2003)
- 115: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 3, 2003)
- 116: Also ran 1 (Apr 5, 2003)
- 117: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 18, 2003)
- 118: Also ran 1 (Apr 24, 2003)
- 119: Zarquon's Singing Fish! (Apr 24, 2003)
- 120: Also ran 1 (May 7, 2003)
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