This is a Journal entry by Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Leadership (3)

Post 1

Zarquon's Singing Fish!

So, I've finished the course. Thoughts. I need to listen more actively. I need to understand projection more and deal with it. I need to be more courageous in dealing with people and tell them stuff they need to hear, without being afraid of their reactions. They hand it out and I should be less sensitive.

So, the types of projection I have to deal with, not being valued, being bullied, (this from someone who herself can be a bully, not just to me, but to other people). Also that often a woman manager faces opposition from other women (the 'who does she think she is' syndrome) and that other people's criticism can deskill you.

smiley - fishsmiley - musicalnote

Leadership (3)

Post 2

Green Lantern

Quite obvious that a subject that I have to deal with at work is depression. I suspect that my boss is depressed. I'm coping, but not at full capacity. At least two of my staff are depressed and working with negative people is so debilitating.

I decided long ago that I wasn't going to run away just because people were nasty to me. I coped even when my marriage fell apart.

I now have more positive people around me; not enough, though to get work done smoothly. Negativity sucks your energy, a bit like a black hole.

However, I am incredibly strong. Everyone has some strong points. Can I bring out those positive aspects and make the team sing in harmony? smiley - musicalnote

Ican't do anything about them, only my perception of them.

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