Not a number here. This might go down in history as the worst profile ever, but then at least I'd be famous.

Married, 2 kids, & 2 grandkids, no zimmer frame yet. Likes include Douglas Adams work, Monty Python, The Prisoner, Motorbikes and the odd gallon of the foaming black stuff, no not oil Guinness !

I am Secretary of our local youth football club, which at present has 6 teams rangeing in age groups from under 9 to under 14s.

Always making mistakes with this computer, suffer from Technophobia and forget how to do what I have just done. Every time I press a button a light flashes up to tell me that I've done it wrong. I seem to be having problems with my life style and keep loosing my towel.

Hopefully I'll amend this profile as we go on, but you now have a little something to go on with. headhurts


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I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

Researcher U182266


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