This is the Message Centre for I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker


Post 1

cafram - in the states.

Gawd, how stereotypically Australian am I?!

Ah well!!

Just thought I'd pop in and say hi - yours is DEFINATLEY not the worlds worst profile ever - it's so good that you've taken the time to do it at all! Lots of people just stick in a note saying "I'll do this later" and never do smiley - erm - well done!! smiley - smiley

If the Technophobia gets too bad and you've got some questions feel free to ask - to get rid of the tags at the top of your page, when you edit, click on the radio button (circle thing) for "GuideML", then click "Change Stlye" - this way you can change other aspects of your page as well - put in pictures, change colours and sizes of your's all fun, honestly!! smiley - biggrin


Post 2

I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

Howdy sterio typesmiley - smileythanks for the reply will follow your advice, and hopefuly improvesmiley - dohhow are things down under? can you lend us a cricketer or two smiley - groan


Post 3

cafram - in the states.

LOL smiley - laugh, sure you can have ours - I don't care...a bunch of grown men chasing a little red ball around all day - hitting it as far as possible and then going and getting it again, just so they can hit it....*sigh* wasn't ever really my thing! smiley - yuk

I s'pose that means you're from England? Or has our cricket team trampled all over somebody else? smiley - winkeye


Post 4

I am not a number I am a free Hitchhiker

smiley - dohhow can you call our team (England)smiley - groan a cricket teamsmiley - flustered agree with yousmiley - smiley stupid gamesmiley - silly

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