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So that's what it's all about.....
Posted Oct 13, 2002
Finally got to see one of those films I've always wondered about last night - "Heaven's Gate".
This was an epic Western that flopped big-style and, I think, bankrupt the studio who made it. The American critics hated it, but in recent years it has been re-appraised as a forgotten classic, that was attacked by reviewers for political reasons.
It was a good film, I can see why it's been re-appraised. But it's no forgotten masterpiece. There was some cheesy dialogue (at one point the head baddy refers to himself as "ruling class" which is just corny (although admittedly, this line gets a great comeback from Kris K ) .The same villain also consistently referred to the immigrants as "thieves and anarchists" over and over again - as if he couldn't say one without saying the other. Oh yeah, and I'm sure at one point Walken rides by a huge line of immigrants shouting "Why don't you go back home?!" (what could the director be trying to *say*? )). Also, at the start it was too damn confusing. Christopher Walkens a baddie! Or is he? Yes he is! We're not sure! er....... I'll let you see the film and you can find out
And who was that girl that was shacked up with the (older) Kris Kristoferson? And is it in her contract that she run around naked at least twice in the film (the second time for reasons I couldn't quite grasp)?
However, it was a good story with some fine performances (I especially liked John Hurt's drunk, who hung out with the baddies even though he vocally despised them). It also had a great, explosive, final gunfight-cum-bomb-chucking which is where I assume a great chunk of the budget went!
So, yeah, I was pleased to see it at last and find out that, yes, it was badly treated on it's release. Definitely worth checking out if you like Westerns, even if it isn't "The Good, The Bad and the Ugly"
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Latest reply: Oct 13, 2002
On the Radio! (sort of)
Posted Sep 10, 2002
One of my suggestions for today's Mark and Lard's Cheesily Cheerful Chart Challenge songs got read out by Mark on the Radio today.
("We Float" by PJ Harvey for the Wizard's and Witches School story before you ask)
Then he played "God Show me Magic" as the winning entry. It was also one of the one's I'd chosen (had to fit a super furries song in there somewhere) but he only mentioned two people who'd sent it in
Acht well, my takeover of the media start here
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Latest reply: Sep 10, 2002
Ooh dear!
Posted Sep 8, 2002
Seem's the weather Gods had money on Scotland winning yesterday, we've been hit by storms, gales and downpouring rain for most of the day today.
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Latest reply: Sep 8, 2002
What the?!
Posted Sep 7, 2002
Faeroe Isles: 2 Scotland: 2
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Latest reply: Sep 7, 2002
I am a spoon!
Posted Sep 4, 2002
There was a token in the Weekend newspaper that, when presented to the nice people at one of the cinemas in Glasgow, would garner me two free tickets to go and see "Signs" at a preview screening.
Muggins here remembered about it today, only to discover that the final day for claiming tickets was yesterday
I said to a mate of mine that we'd be able to go and see it tonight. I hope he's forgotten because I feel like a plank
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Latest reply: Sep 4, 2002
Mister Matty
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