This is the Message Centre for DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

thank you!!

Post 1


I just wanted to say thank to you for being an agreeing voice in al the hostility in that thread. I'm finding it hard to wade through all the insults and hostility and reading your posts has really helped. So thank you heaps.

I have no idea what exactly they want us to say. They don't seem to want to elabotrate on what they say, but then slag us off.

thank you!!

Post 2

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

You're welcome... It's hard to figure out what they want, I think, because they don't know what they want, but they do know what they don't want - that is, they don't want us, as Christians, to have any credibility. Hence the insults about our intelligence etc, and the constant insistence from Hoo and Blicky that I am a "proven racist" and "violent" etc. (I am nowt of the sort, but I don't want to rehash all that again...)

Anyway, I will be there checking out what has happened, in the time which is to me, over night... I am sure it is horrendous!

Your courage in persisting against the Hoo treatment, and your patience with him is inspiring.

thank you!!

Post 3


I'm cracking up with them! It's really hard to answer them. These huge long posts where they quote you back at yourself to tell you that you're mentally ill, easily lead or prejudiced.

smiley - grr What do they want? And if we ask them, they'll say there's no point answering as they've already told us and we should pay more attention to their posts.

Despite them saying so, if God really did come down in human form again and ring their doorbell, they'd say it was a nutcase and wouldn't belive him. Think of the story of the rich man and Lazarus.

thank you!!

Post 4

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

What do they want? They want to feel good about themselves, and they can do that only by convincing themselves that they are right to have rejected any and all gods, not to mention God. They can convince themselves of that only by denigrating us, and all Christians, so that they will not have to listen to anything we say. Hence all the insults. They claim on other threads, that they just want us to leave them alone - but they are incapable of leaving it alone themselves! (Hence the articles and Guide Entries they write trashing Christians and Christianity.)

Back in the 1980s, I got involved with a rather neurotic man who later became the leader of an atheist/rationalist group. He had done a degree and failed to get the job he wanted, and now, he lives in the USA running an atheist group - he's managed to make a living out of campaigning against Christianity. (He says he hates all religion, but you can't prove that by reading any of the mountains of guff he writes.) I suspect that this same guy is one of our antagonists here!


Absolutely true, sadly. I suspect that at least one of them has had more than one encounter with God and has suppressed what he knows to be true... his peace of mind depends on attacking anyone who threatens that suppression. It's like the story I told you on the Greetings thread about the guy who saw the ghost of the priest and was rationalising that it was "stress" caused by returning to his home town. (That story is from one of Bill's magazines.)

thank you!!

Post 5


Oh, what a bunch of nutcases they all are!

You're totally right there - if they want to be left alone, they should drop it themselves. And if they won't change their minds, and can't change ours, they should drop it. They're making life more difficult for themselves by banging on like this.

Yeah, it wouldn't suptrise me that it's their attempt to rationalise some God-experience they've had in the past. I just hope that something snaps in them.

thank you!!

Post 6

badger party tony party green party

I do hope nothing snaps in me it could hurtsmiley - bruised

smiley - laugh

I dont want anyone to leave me alone. Im here to converse with people.

Now I could just talk to people Im in agreement with smiley - yawn or put my views and my experinces out there for other people with other views and experiences for them to review. This I like> I really like to do it with Vicky/Della. (I wont shorten it to VDsmiley - winkeye)

Funny how you two moan about others questioning your sanity and then are quite happy to say we are su[pressing experiences or are "a bunch of nutcases"

Obviously hypocrisy is no longer objected to within the christian worldsmiley - erm

one love smiley - rainbow

thank you!!

Post 7


I will not rise to your bait.

If you are happy to talk, then I am happy to talk back. But I will not respond to insults.

thank you!!

Post 8

badger party tony party green party

This from a woman who says Im a nutcasesmiley - erm


Catch you later.smiley - rainbow

thank you!!

Post 9

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Hi, NPY... I might have known he'd show up (he monitors my convos, and mounts sneak attacks.) On another conversation, he told lies about me, and though I yikesed the posting, I got an email within 10 minutes, at 10.34 GMT (!) telling me the yikesing was not upheld... Sigh. See what kind of nastiness I (we, really) have to contend with...

smiley - goodluck they might start on you going to your space etc, as they have on a girl called hnicky, and a bunch of JW guys, who aren't here a lot because they're studying...

thank you!!

Post 10

badger party tony party green party

What Lie is this then? Obvioulsy an independent arbiter has upheld my opinion as admissable. You might not like my analysis but on what grounds do you sy its unrue or unfair?

Id really like to know?

Id also really like to know if you actually have "shed loads of reasons", all of them false in your opinion why ex-christians like me no longer have a connection with what you call god. If you can say you have shed loads of reasons why dont you conme out with them?

Can you also tell me how you come to call my poosting on a public thread in response to someone calling *me* and others a bunch of nutcases a sneak attack? Where is your justification for that?

Yes I do follow your trail of posts and respond to the bile and lies I find what is wrong with that. If there is something wrong with it why do you do the same thing to me. IE follow mine and others PSs and respond to posts that you dont like or are you trying to pretend you dont do that. Please dont because I *know* you do I learnt that very tactic from its best - kiss Thank you.

one love smiley - rainbow

thank you!!

Post 11

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Blicky, please be a dear, and go away...


Post 12

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

This post has been removed.

thank you!!

Post 13

Researcher 724267

That's like asking him to stick around. Mentality of bullies, remember?

Anyway "a bunch of JW guys". Who are they? My oldest friend is one and I find they're good for arguments/discussions in the same kind of adult way that blinky/hoo are incapable of.

thank you!!

Post 14

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Yeah, I shouldna told him to go away...

I'm not saying anything much here (or anywhere on hootoo any more.) Debate is impossible.

thank you!!

Post 15

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Debate is quite possible, if only you gave it a try once.

thank you!!

Post 16

Researcher 724267

smiley - laugh as if on queue blathers makes your point for you

thank you!!

Post 17

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

smiley - laugh

thank you!!

Post 18

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit


You don't want to be here anymore, and damnably few people want you here anymore. So why are you still here?


Post 19

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

This post has been removed.

thank you!!

Post 20


Blatherskite, do you *enjoy* being so horrible, or can you just not stand to se two people having a nice civilised conversation?

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